23-04-2009, 05:32 AM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Myra Bronstein Wrote:Thanks for posting this Peter. The guy is making something like $800k this year, and he supposedly offs himself? Why?
My hunch is he didn't, they did...why exactly - don't know - probably knew something too big or did something someone didn't like..... While not impossible he could have been upset being the captain of a sinking ship, I know I only get suicidal when I'm at or below zero funds and homeless. The guy was loaded, nice houses, the works.... The MOST suspicious thing to me were the police IMMEDIATELY declaring it a suicide before an investigation. When I hear that, I tend to think suicided.
Agreed on all points.
The CFO would be the one in charge of cooking the books I would think. So in theory he knew a lot.