11-02-2013, 08:46 PM
02.11.13 - 2:36 PM
Come and Take It
by Abby Zimet
A new trend among gun lovers: Armed demonstrations inside state capitals. Several hundred gathered legally in Oregon and Washington's legislative lobbies armed with conceal carry permits and loaded weapons to support their gun-toting "fellow patriots," with more planned. What could go wrong? Oh yeah, another shooting today, with at least three dead, in a Delaware courthouse.
Come and Take It
by Abby Zimet
A new trend among gun lovers: Armed demonstrations inside state capitals. Several hundred gathered legally in Oregon and Washington's legislative lobbies armed with conceal carry permits and loaded weapons to support their gun-toting "fellow patriots," with more planned. What could go wrong? Oh yeah, another shooting today, with at least three dead, in a Delaware courthouse.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.â€
Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller