13-02-2013, 09:58 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Bill Kelly Wrote:Has anybody followed up on this?:
[URL="http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2013/02/new-river-nc-usmc-air-facility.html"]JFKcountercoup: New River, NC USMCAir Facility
P.D. Scott wrote: …An even more informative source might beOliver "Buck" Revell, the former Marine officer who after sharing informationwith the FBI about Oswald rose to be the number three man in the Bureau. Revellhas set out his lengthy involvement with the JFK case in his own words:
I have been involved in the Kennedy assassination investigation since itsinception. First as a Marine officer, I was assigned to assist the FBI while itwas conducting a detailed inquiry into Lee Harvey Oswald's military backgroundat the Marine Corps Air Facility, New River, N.C. Manyyears later, as FBI assistant director in charge of criminal investigations, itwas my responsibility to follow up and take appropriate action on the findingsand recommendations of the House Select Committee on Assassinations…Since May1991, I have been the special agent in charge of the FBI's Dallas division, nadit has been my responsibility to conduct any additional investigation warrantedin the Kennedy case, as alleged evidence or new documents have been brought tolight. 101
The Review Board should question Mr. Revell about whateverrecords he and the FBI may have consulted at the MCAF NewRiver facility, a place whee (as far as we have been told) Oswald never served.102.
[102 Note: Larry Haapanen has pointed out to me that, onDecember 11, 1963, the Secret Service reported that Captain Donovan hadsuggested the Secret Service tal to Sergeant Carnellias [sic] Brown, "presentlystationed at New River, North Carolina," who "should be able to furnish someinformation on Oswald's background" [CD 87, p. 5]. This is presumably the StaffSergeant "Cornelius Brown" whose name Donovan offered as a source to the WarrenCommission (8 WH 297-99, 302).
It is certain that none of the Oswald Marine records we nowhave were stored there.
Hey Bill, How far away from Nags Head is the New River facility....or were they interconnected in space or command structure?
Hi Peter,
Buck Revell expounds on this in his book, a few pages of which I have added to:
[URL="http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2013/02/new-river-nc-usmc-air-facility.html"]JFKcountercoup: New River, NC USMC Air Facility
Apparently some of the USMC guys Oswald had been stationed with in Japan and San Diego were at the New River MAS at the time of the assassination, as was JR, who confirms that there was a post-assassination USMC investigation of Oswald by JAGs, of which there are no official records.
JFKcountercoup: ONI Records Revisited