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Beppe Grillo: Revolutionary Satire? Or is he Serious?

Italy's centre-left reaches out to Beppe Grillo

Democratic Party leader Pier Luigi Bersani challenges the Five Star founder to bring his rising party into a new coalition

Beppe Grillo announced he would be representing his movement in negotiations with President Giorgio Napolitano aimed at forming a new government. Photograph: Giorgio Cosulich/Getty Images

The leader of Italy's centre-left, Pier Luigi Bersani, set out to lure Beppe Grillo and his Five Star Movement (M5S) into a coalition government after their spectacular breakthrough in the general election.
At a press conference in Rome, a weary-looking Bersani said it was time for the upstart movement to do something more than just demand the removal of Italy's mainstream politicians.
"Up to now, they have been saying: 'All go home.' But now they're here, too. So either they go home as well, or they say what they want to do for their country and their children."
Grillo had earlier said his followers in parliament would not join a coalition, but would consider proposals "law by law, reform by reform". [MH bolding]

Looks like a good way to go. Some activists are thinking much more laterally now given that the traditional political forms are controlled by others.

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Beppe Grillo: Revolutionary Satire? Or is he Serious? - by Magda Hassan - 27-02-2013, 02:22 AM

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