27-03-2013, 04:55 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Great stuff.....I'd forgive you if you put up a few more!.....
My intention with this site is to keep it very spare. I have, however, added a new item: a 1963 commentary by Richard Dudman, then of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which first appeared in The New Republic in December 1963.
Dudman wrote an early article that appeared in the P-D, I think on 12-1-63, quoting Parkland doctors about a throat wound. Has anyone ever seen it? I haven't. A google search using the obvious keywords turned up zilch. I haven't checked NARA yet.
Dudman did not appear before the WC, and they didn't include his article in the 26 volumes. Arlen Specter got one of the doctors Dudman quoted, Robert McClellan, to back off on his statements.