11-04-2013, 07:08 PM
Tarpley is the very wise man and has a great insight into the hidden forces shaping world politics. His "9/11 Synthetic Terror-Made in the USA", is IMO the best analysis of really happened on the fate filled day. "Obama:The Post-Modern Coup", is really, to me, just a a call for Hillarys' nomination, without a look at the similiar forces backing her candidacy, over the last few years Tarpley, in writings & broadcasts, has revised his asssment of Hillary and has been brutal, but spot in tapping here a warmonger. Remeber the Clintons', as well as Gore, were founders of the Democratic Leadership Council, an organization whose goa; was to rid the Democratic Party of economic liberalism, and all that was decent about that party, the Demos had a long line of Warmongers at the top for years.I can hardly wait for Tarpleys book concering FDR & Pearl Harbor, I've been waiting over a year for its publication.