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JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Elizabeth Woodworth Wrote:This April essay (Part I) presents new and startling evidence about the three assassinations of the 1960's, and how they have stunted our knowledge of history, and thus our wisdom in governing. The unseen forces that were at work in the sixties have never been opposed and have been retarding an effective media and citizen response to the facts about climate change.

Part II: The whole Keystone debate has less to do with jobs, investigative reporting, or an informed public, than it has to do with narrow industry profits, election campaign chests, and industry-backed media fog. As this original April, 2013 essay shows, an enormous gulf exists historically between scientific consensus on climate change and public awareness, with the media having for years been influenced by Big Oil to give equal time to believers and deniers. A way ahead is proposed at:


Welcome to the Forum. I, as an Environmental Scientist as well as Environmental Activist and Deep Political researcher on the many [all too many] covert ops, wars based on nothing but profit/greed/Thanatos, multitude of assassinations, and the Big Lies about all of the above (and more) appreciate your post and the referenced links. I left my job working for a State governor as an Environmental Aide when I realized the very companies/forces/entities/persons that were blocking progress on the Environmental 'fronts' were, or had been, involved in the covert ops, wars, assassinations, Big Lies, etc. - and that one first had to expose that more obvious evil before the Environment could be tackled - or so my thinking went. Now we face the situation where forward motion on both are frozen in the Big Lie Ice Block by this crowd. Global Warming should soon melt that 'Ice Block'...but the question is will it be too late? People are slowly [all too slowly!] awakening to the Lies and deceit/treachery of their own government and its main actors...but again the question is will it be too late? We are, IMHO, poised on the abyss, having run like lemmings to the edge of the economic/democratic/Constitutional/environmental/ethical/moral cliff.....with the Oligarchy pushing from behind as well as tempting forward with propaganda from above the abyss. I think we are at the last moment in history when a change can be effected, before it is 'too late'...but that window is very small. Now is the time for all of us to put our shoulders to the wheel.

I much like the work/writings/thoughts/speeches of Derrick Jensen - radical to some; just plain sanity to is not just Capitalism and the Oligarchy that promotes it that are the problem - but 'civilization' itself...however, dismantling 'civilization' doesn't mean any harm to humans - other than the few King leeches, Major puppeteers and their praetorian guards. The Environmental is Deep Political, and the Deep Political Environmental.

Thank you for welcoming me to the Forum, Peter, and for your reply. I am a former medical librarian who served the public health literature needs of the British Columbia government (and its offices provincewide for 25 years.) I left in 2002, soon after 9/11. Since 2006 I have been working with Dr. David Ray Griffin on trying to expose the Global War on Terror. I like what you say about the Big Lie Ice Block and whether it will be too late before we really effect a change, but in the last month I've been feeling encouraged because finally media resistance to scientific consensus on global warming has been broken. When you describe the abyss I think of Krishnamurti's precipice -- when you come to a precipice and look over, what happens? You stop dead. Well that is where we are. We need to stop dead and start immediately transferring subsidies, jobs, and investments over to clean energy technology. Many more jobs could be had than by building pipelines. The Canadian Prime Minister (Harper) is a criminal with regard to the tar sands and Keystone. Canadians are dreadfully ashamed of what he has done to their country. Thanks for pointing me to Derrick Jensen, whose books I have heard cited but have not read.

Messages In This Thread
JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - by Elizabeth Woodworth - 25-04-2013, 07:30 PM

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