26-04-2013, 08:43 PM
And the fact that "the present ice cap margin ... is still more extensive than it was prior to ~650 cal. yr BP" led her to conclude that the climate prior to that time -- which would have comprised the Medieval Warm Period -- may have been "as warm as or warmer than present." And this conclusion, along with the findings of the other studies reviewed herein, suggests there is nothing that is unusual, unnatural or unprecedented about the current level of Earth's warmth, which further suggests that the historical increase in the atmosphere's CO[size=12]2concentration may not have had anything to do with concomitant 20th-century global warming.[/SIZE]
In Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, Donald Gibson shows John F. Kennedy's desire to provide cheap energy and improved quality of life ran counter to the Rockefeller-Morgan, Luce Press, radical enviromentalist/eugenicist opponents' agenda of a DeBeers-like inflation of the cost of being human.
The business model was renovated from Cold War to war on quality of life to the great enrichment of those at the electric meter choosing the quick and the dead.
In Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, Donald Gibson shows John F. Kennedy's desire to provide cheap energy and improved quality of life ran counter to the Rockefeller-Morgan, Luce Press, radical enviromentalist/eugenicist opponents' agenda of a DeBeers-like inflation of the cost of being human.
The business model was renovated from Cold War to war on quality of life to the great enrichment of those at the electric meter choosing the quick and the dead.