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Pop goes the Bush mythology bubble
Part 2: 9/11 Commission and Bridas
December 10, 2004
The best way to expose mythology as an "operative lie" is to start at the most recent instances (most easily remembered) and work backwards in time to the source of that lie. As lies often do, they change position when the truth confronts the lie and the Bush administration has proven it can change positions as fast as Clinton when confronted with The Truth.

This commentary is the second in that step of tracing backwards to the source of the Bush Mythology and exposing it as the blatant lie that it is.

The most recent Great Lie was The 9-11 Commission and that the commission was appointed to find the truth out about 9-11 and bring those parties to justice. But what were they covering up? That 9-11 happened? No, they were covering up why it happened and who was behind it and that most of the 9-11 Commissioners are directly benefiting from 9-11 and the idiotic policies that have been derived from or developed as a direct result of that event.

It is not in what the 9-11 Commission looked into it was what they willfully did not look into and there were multiple people on that commission that knew exactly what was going on in the Caspian Basin, Pakistan and most importantly, Afghanistan where something was blocking a pipeline project that they all had to have to make a lot of money.

In writing my book One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas, I not only analyzed 9-11, Afghanistan, Iraq, defense spending, Homeland Security spending, the intentional weakening of the U.S. dollar and use of terrorism to drive up the price of oil and gasoline, the absence of "rule of law" if Bush Buddies or Clinton Buddies were being bad actors, but I also investigated the "talking heads" they put before us to spin their web of lies.

In that effort we found a considerable number of serious conflicts of interests that should have barred eight of the 10 commissioners from ever being appointed to the 9-11 Omission Commission.

Not a word out of the 9-11 Commission about Bridas Corporation and all of the players conspiring to get them out of the way and get control of the $7.34-plus trillion in oil and even more in natural gas.
Major Kazakhstan Players (Including Bribes)
  • Dick Cheney, State Kazakhstan Oil Advisory Board, Halliburton was all over the Caspian, still is.
  • Amerada Hess (Baker & Botts) (Delta, Saudi), Board member Kean is Chairman of 9-11 Commission = conflict of interest.
  • BP Amoco (Baker & Botts), Amoco implicated in bribery scandal.
  • Phillips Petroleum, implicated in bribery scandal.
  • ChevronTexaco, Texaco implicated in bribery scandal; Baker & Botts represents ChevronTexaco and Mayer Brown represents Kazakhstan.
  • James H. Giffen indicted for bribery 2003. That nasty matter of bribes in Kazakhstan involving Mr. James H. Giffen did involve Mobil, as well as Texaco, Amoco and Phillips Petroleum.
  • ExxonMobil, Mobil implicated in bribery scandal.
  • Schlumberger Oil Services, Jamie Gorelick on board, 9-11 Commission member, conflict of interest. Schlumberger stayed pretty quiet about their Caspian Basin adventures until the 9-11 Commission was wrapping up and handing things over to Congress to slam shut more of our American freedoms instead of addressing 9-11 and who did it, and bring them to justice. (Continued growth in Russia and the Caspian, and strong performance across Asia and the Middle East, were both very encouraging. North America pricing moved up satisfactorily in the quarter.)
  • Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw, represents Kazakhstan. Slightly conflicted out on 9-11 Commission.
Major Uzbekistan Players
  • Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw, including joint office with ENRON. Directly represented ENRON, Enron executive has pled guilty to California criminal charges, El Paso too, charges against Dynegy trader pending
  • ENRON everyone keep an eye out for Prisma Energy International, Cayman Islands, the post-bankruptcy ENRON and this cushy, profitable, colossal oil and gas deal in the Caspian Basin that had to have the pipeline across Afghanistan. Represented by Mayer Brown
  • ChevronTexaco, Represented by Baker & Botts, Mayer Brown representing Uzbekistan too, (and everybody thought Richard Ben Veniste was going to rip into Condoleezza Rice? Yeah, right!)
  • Dabhol Enron, Dabhol, India fiasco that cost U.S. taxpayers over $1 billion in an electrical gas-fired generator that was not feasible without cheap Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan natural gas and not a pipeline one to get that gas to Dabhol to make the project feasible. Represented by Mayer Brown and slightly conflicted out on 9-11 Commission matters.
  • Halliburton, Schlumberger, Dick gets around! J. Gorelick too!
  • Uzbekistan Government, Represented by Mayer Brown. General Dostum is Uzbek, controls North part of Afghanistan.
  • Mayer, Brown, & Platt, Involves US and Israeli interests in Islamic nation and almost immediate surge in "terrorism" or "outrage"; Uzbekneftegaz; See book 'Shurtan II,' Israeli Foreign Trade Risk Insurance Group (IFTRIC), Bank Hapaolim of Israel
Major Turkmenistan Players
  • ChevonTexaco (Baker Botts client), Condoleezza Rice "supertanker" named for her.
  • BP Amoco (Baker & Botts client); BP involved in California energy pricing scam, fined lightly.
  • UNOCAL, Delta Petroleum, their Saudi partners (same ones Taliban turned down)
  • Who is OPIC funding the Trans-Afghan pipeline for? What US oil company stepped forward?
  • FMC O&G products. See James R. Thompson, 9-11 Commission conflict
  • Halliburton (Cheney), Schlumberger (Gorelick), heavily motivated to see Bridas, Taliban gone.
  • Mayer Brown & Platt, does work for Turkmen government. Note Turkmen government signed with Bridas, reneged and Mayer Brown represented Turkmenneft in lawsuit against Bridas Corporation all the way to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans and U.S. Supreme Court, case 03-1018, Turkmenneft v. Bridas S.A.P.I.C., et al, writ of certiorari denied March 22, 2004.
Major Pakistan Players
  • PennzEnergy and Ocean Energy, now Devon Energy. Robert Mosbacher, Jr. and other Bush Pioneers on this energy company board of directors.
  • Devon board, Duke Ligon, former Mayer Brown partner and Robert Mosbacher, Jr. son of GHWB Commerce Secretary Mosbacher.
  • Illinova (Dynegy sub); Dynegy involved in CA two-way trip accounting scam that fleeced California electrical customers along with 20 other energy companies including Enron, El Paso, BP.
  • UNOCAL, Delta Petroleum, their Saudi partners (same ones Taliban turned down). Pakistan talks are matter of record to get the pipeline under Unocal / Delta control.
  • Mayer Brown, Represented Illinova on this deal, Pakistan natural gas fired electrical generator.
  • Baker & Botts, Pakistan Energy, Caspian players. Remington Holdings / Western Acquisition - This might be payoff. The WHOLE WORLD should find out who this is. Baker & Botts client - OPIC funded acquisition.
  • Arnold & Porter, represent Unocal and financial consortium on Pakistan electrical plant deal. 9-11 Commission never bothered to inquire into the Pakistan natural gas fired electrical plants and who those parties were talking to as to supply of natural gas across Afghanistan to those plants.
The pipeline is back in play and not a word of it reported by our major media outlets or if reported buried the story instead of following the obvious leads and the conclusions those leads arrive at.

If you dig deep enough, you will find that the Bush administration's displeasure with "vote fraud" in the Ukraine, while gloating about their own vote fraud in the United States, is because Puppet President Bush and his Oil Kingdom Puppeteers were counting on having total control of the Ukraine so they could take oil out of the Caspian that way, too.

Dig even deeper and there is George Soros trying to affect the outcome of that election in the same direction as George Bush and Colin Powell are.
Hmm, seems George is two-faced when it comes to money and oil.
"The Democratic party's National Democratic Institute, the Republican party's International Republican Institute, the US state department and USAid are the main agencies involved in these grassroots campaigns as well as the Freedom House NGO and billionaire George Soros's open society institute."
It is all about the oil, control and people lining their pockets with a lot of our money. That is why they lie to us and create the "mythology" they want you to believe.
  • February 2002: Afghanistan's interim leader Hamid Karzai said he and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf had agreed to revive a plan for a trans-Caspian gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan.
  • December 2002: Central Asia pipeline deal signed; An agreement has been signed in the Turkmen capital, Ashgabat, paving the way for construction of a gas pipeline from the Central Asian republic through Afghanistan to Pakistan.
  • February 2003: OPIC agrees to fund the pipeline and Bush has guaranteed to protect it with U.S. troops (without telling the United States citizens). "23-02-03 Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan (TAP) have signed a protocol for trans-Afghanistan Gas Pipeline Project . . . However, some recent reports had indicated that the United States was willing to police the pipeline infrastructure through permanent stationing of its troops in the region. The US ExIm Bank, the Trade and Development Agency (TDA) and the Overseas Private Insurance Corporation (OPIC) had also shown readiness to finance such a project, if leading American energy giants come forward.
  • September 2003: Bridas prevails at 5th Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals after years of being jerked around in Texas courts. $485+ million arbitration award upheld.
  • March 2004:U.S. Supreme Court denies Writ of Certiorari, upholding 5th Circuit. State Concern Turkmenneft v. Bridas, 03-1018
Have you heard about FBI Translator Sibel D. Edmonds and efforts to silence her?

The White House and Ashcroft have been working overtime to shut her up. Her translations did not expose 9-11 and use of planes. It exposed drug trafficking and money laundering, foreign names and American names pre-9-11 funding.

Stop and think! What does "How they paid for 9-11" have to do with National Security, other than WHO DID IT?

They had to "get policy" to fit the "desired objective," i.e, $7.34 trillion oil + natural gas and controlled by major Bush Backers and select Liberal Left.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Messages In This Thread
Pop goes the Bush mythology bubble - by Magda Hassan - 27-04-2013, 11:54 AM

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