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Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople.
From Wall Street and the Rise of Adolf Hitler, by Antony C Sutton:

"Further, the evidence presented below suggests that not only was an influential sector of American business aware of the nature of Nazism, but for its own purposes aided Naziism wherever possible (and profitable) with full knowledge that the probable outcome would be war involving Europe and the United States. (italics in original)As we shall see, the pleas of innocence do not accord with the facts.

1924: The Dawes Plan

The Treaty of Versailles after World War I imposed a heavy reparations burden on defeated Germany. This financial burden a real cause of the German discontent that led to acceptance of Hitlerism was utilized by the international bankers for their own benefit. The opportunity to float profitable loans for German cartels in the United States was presented by the Dawes Plan and later the Young Plan. Both plans were engineered by these central bankers, who manned the committees for their own pecuniary advantages, and although technically the committees were not appointed by the U.S. Government, the plans were in fact approved and sponsored by the Government.

Post-war haggling by financiers and politicians fixed German reparations at an annual fee of 132 billion gold marks. This was about one quarter of Germany's total 1921 exports. When Germany was unable to make these crushing payments, France and Belgium occupied the Ruhr to take by force what could not be obtained voluntarily. In 1924 the Allies appointed a committee of bankers (headed by American banker Charles G. Dawes) to develop a program of reparations payments. The resulting Dawes Plan was, according to Georgetown University Professor of International Relations Carroll Quigley, "largely a J.P. Morgan production."[SUP]5[/SUP] The Dawes Plan arranged a series of foreign loans totaling $800 million with their proceeds flowing to Germany. These loans are important for our story because the proceeds, raised for the greater part in the United States from dollar investors, were utilized in the mid-1920s to create and consolidate the gigantic chemical and steel combinations of I. G. Farben and Vereinigte Stahlwerke, respectively. These cartels not only helped Hitler to power in 1933; they also produced the bulk of key German war materials used in World War II."

Note 5: Quigley, Carroll, Tragedy and Hope. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1966.

[Ch.1 online doc]

Not that Allan Dulles was any more fascist or elitist than those of his class. Northeast Yankee Old Money made from shipping, railroads, slavery, and banking legally. Illegally in opium and unethically in being proud slum lords and western land fraud. Those kinds of people or part of them privately and publicly support fascism even if by other names. This group of Americans often uses both conspiracy and corruption of the governance to advance their political concept of "what America needs". As Henry Luce as Time/Life Empire builder did.

Even in 1917 18, Allen Dulles deserves attention because he enters the fascist arena in a number of ways and at convenient times beginning when he was a state department employee working in Switzerland. Supposedly, I should add in line of this quote from Mr. George M. Evica's excellent study A Certain Arrogance .

(Kindle Locations 2124-2132)

"According to biographer Mosley, instead of arriving at a deserted Bern Legation office in early April, the spy-in-training joined the US Legation in Bern at the end of March 1917, when the legation was "a humming hive of activity."

Could both dates be correct? Could Dulles have been working in Bern as of March 23, 1917, but not officially posted until April 23rd? If so, what did the conflicting dates mean to hide?

Dulles' official title was political officer,' but with the Legation in near-total chaos, the harassed first secretary Hugh Wilson told Dulles: "I guess the best thing for you to do is take charge of intelligence."

How did Dulles perform last-minute duties in Vienna when he was already in Bern? Was Dulles, in fact, train-hopping between Vienna and Bern to accomplish an important clandestine mission? The evidence says yes."
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.

Messages In This Thread
Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople. - by Jim Hackett II - 23-05-2013, 10:08 AM

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