27-10-2008, 07:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 27-10-2008, 08:08 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Here's an October 18 article by Michael Hudson:
Hudson really seems to have this manufactured crisis nailed down. He also has longterm solutions to all of 'this' in some of his books and papers. To get from here to 'there' will not be easy, and will take getting rid of the usual 'suspects', controllers and a paradigm shift in the thinking of those who still think, these days. Meanwhile, he is great reading by the light of 'civilization' burning.
Less involved with analysis of the current problems [but totally aware of them], but with a solution is David Korten, in his book The Great Turning and its spin-off Great Turning Film and Society http://globalpublicmedia.com/lectures/781. Korten's book When Corporations Rule The World is also a must read.