04-06-2013, 10:34 AM
The Axis of Evil was officially rejected by the 2004 CFR paper by Brzezinski and Gates et al (Iran: Time for a New Approach).
In March Kissinger posited Iran as a future ally.
Hillary attempted a vague concept of reset which failed to mollify the strong man in Moscow.
From the unfortunate helicopter crash of Lebed to the London polonium gambit, Destroyer of Opponents bare-chested Vlad continues to press.
Ten fighters, cruise missiles, S-300 air defense, Russian naval power support the Assad regime.
Across the table an Islamist army supported by CIA, Turkish, Saudi and Qatar resources.
The young Obama spent nine years under the tutelage of Frank Marshall Davis learning the glories of the Red Army and the failings of the U.S. Constitution.
The fight in Syria is Islamist vs. secular.
Obama utters Myanmar to offical envoy of Burma; the wooing continues.
Maoists in India continue.
Russian demographics dictate pursuit of oil in the West as China presses the East.
CONUS pacification entails amnesty and legalization of drugs.
Stability dictates UN small arms restrictions and US-Russia arsenal reduction.
Latter largely lip service as Oceania and Eurasia eye growing threat of Eastasia.
Kissinger went to Beijing in 1972. Brzezinski was tapped the next year for the Trilateral Commission.
Gates was acceptable to GHWB as DCI and to both GWB and BHO as SecDef.
Just as Dulles and Lenin likely exchanged secret handshakes, so, too, do the players today.
Obama's bow to the keeper of the holy sites drew smiles from the leaders present but the meaning was clear.
And the containerships ply the seven seas.
The Axis of Evil was officially rejected by the 2004 CFR paper by Brzezinski and Gates et al (Iran: Time for a New Approach).
In March Kissinger posited Iran as a future ally.
Hillary attempted a vague concept of reset which failed to mollify the strong man in Moscow.
From the unfortunate helicopter crash of Lebed to the London polonium gambit, Destroyer of Opponents bare-chested Vlad continues to press.
Ten fighters, cruise missiles, S-300 air defense, Russian naval power support the Assad regime.
Across the table an Islamist army supported by CIA, Turkish, Saudi and Qatar resources.
The young Obama spent nine years under the tutelage of Frank Marshall Davis learning the glories of the Red Army and the failings of the U.S. Constitution.
The fight in Syria is Islamist vs. secular.
Obama utters Myanmar to offical envoy of Burma; the wooing continues.
Maoists in India continue.
Russian demographics dictate pursuit of oil in the West as China presses the East.
CONUS pacification entails amnesty and legalization of drugs.
Stability dictates UN small arms restrictions and US-Russia arsenal reduction.
Latter largely lip service as Oceania and Eurasia eye growing threat of Eastasia.
Kissinger went to Beijing in 1972. Brzezinski was tapped the next year for the Trilateral Commission.
Gates was acceptable to GHWB as DCI and to both GWB and BHO as SecDef.
Just as Dulles and Lenin likely exchanged secret handshakes, so, too, do the players today.
Obama's bow to the keeper of the holy sites drew smiles from the leaders present but the meaning was clear.
And the containerships ply the seven seas.