08-05-2009, 04:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2009, 04:36 AM by Bruce Clemens.)
Since the “religion” door has been opened I will, with trepidation, step through it.
I believe that ultimately, everything we see developing before our eyes on the world stage will evolve (devolve?) into a religious war.
Shortly after 9/11 I bought a Koran and read it- cover to cover. At that time I still thought 9/11 was a Muslim plot. I wanted to understand our new enemy. Now I know better. I know who our real enemy is. But at the time I was skeptical of the president when he told me that Islam was a “religion of peace” and I was troubled when Billy Graham’s son was excoriated in the media over some statements he had made regarding Islam’s call to kill people who don’t desire to practice Islam.
Disclosure: I was brought up in a “Born Again” Christian home and have put in my hours in the church…But please understand that that did as much for my cynicism and skepticism as it did for my faith. I got my Bachelor’s degree from a private university that is funded by the Assemblies of God church…out of convenience. Please hear me loud and clear; I am not Assemblies of God, and I am NOT religious. However I AM thoughtful and open minded and I do put a lot of stock in verifiable facts and original sources. And that university required my Business Administration degree to include courses on religious history. Not a bad thing in the long run, to help understand our world today.
The fact is many people (especially in the media and politics) say those who advocate killing people who refuse to adopt Islam are “Muslim Extremists”. But they are, in actuality, Muslim fundamentalists. It is straight out of the Koran. The Koran says, in many verses, to give the “infidel” (the Christian, Jew, or other non-Muslim), a chance to convert, and if it is not taken, to lop off his or her head. It’s right there in black and white, in every Barnes and Noble or Borders; yours for the browsing. Don’t even need to buy the damn thing. Want Homophobia? Look in the Koran. Lop off their heads.
The Koran allows abuse of wives (note the plural), and squarely puts the husband in absolute control of the bodies, minds and actions of his wives and female children. Islam is a medieval religion that has not changed a whit in the last 1400 years. Any and all modern adaptations of Koranic teaching come through arbitrary “Fatwas” proclaimed by regional and local sheikhs. These lawful proclamations can be contradictory and may vary from region to region. A reading of the Koran will show that, contrary to the “Religion of Peace” rhetoric of the President and the MSM, Islam is a very violent and warlike religion. Hell- when Franklin Roosevelt first met King Saud in 1945, the Muslim king had old scimitar scars on his body from wounds aquired as a young man battling rival clans.
People in that part of the world have suddenly been popped into the 21st century out of a 7h Century malaise by the rest of the world’s interest in their oil and by the money that follows. But the religion is woefully behind the curve. Yet in the name of politically correct revisionist history, we are to understand through MSM spokespeople that Islam is innocuous…nothing to see here, folks, move along… That bombing is just the work of a few misguided “extremists”.
Judaism, in its own way, advocates many abhorrent and barbaric practices as well, as are often pointed out by MSM. Only the MSM doesn’t emphasize the old-testament exhortations to stone people who have the wrong kind of cloth in their garments et cetera, ad infinitum… Like Islam, Judaism is also an ancient religion with violent overtones, but it is more inwardly centered than Islam. You tend to excoriate yourself or your wives and daughters rather than your disbelieving neighbor.
But Christianity is different. It’s different for a number of reasons. First, it’s the only one of the “Big Three” that does not, in its original writings, advocate killing disbelievers. Christianity spring boarded off of the Torah; Christ was a Jew. But it left the law behind in favor of belief in a corporeal personification of God who preached pure love. Forget the “Christian” denominations, churches and their doctrine, rituals and rhetoric. Just read what Jesus was supposed to have said. That’s enough.
Folks, please bear with me. I am neither preaching here nor proselytizing. I am just trying to draw some important distinctions between the major religions and their context in our society today.
Islam was a latecomer. It was established in what is now Saudi Arabia, and it remained clustered in that part of the world for most of its history. It is now the fastest growing religion in the world and is observed everywhere. But, and this is the point I wish to emphasize, while Christianity was going through tumultuous changes; the reformation; Martin Luther; a complete refutation of ritual obedience to a multitude of laws, Islam remained exactly as written. It is the same today. There has been no Islamic reformation, no sea change in what is practiced or fundamentally believed since the ancient attitudes, laws, orders and assumptions were first given by Gabriel to Mohammad...
At least with Christianity, after looking at all the hypocrites, the evil done in its name, the con men, the scams, the genocide, etc, etc, one can read the original writings and acknowledge that all those things were a corruption of the religion. One understands that the intent is anathema to the action. But with Islam one sees that the actions are the fulfillment of the religion.
In my opinion, the worst thing about Christianity is the exhortation to go forth and spread the gospel. That is perceived as the duty of Christians. Real Christians, in my opinion, are not bound by rules or laws that could harm another person, believer or not, they simply live the religion. “They will know we are Christians by our love”.
But there are many who take the exhortation to export Christianity to mean that they have to actively push it out the door. That may be why we see some military people in Muslim countries trying to distribute bibles and proselytize. But the difference is, a Muslim who doesn’t want to participate can simply brush it off and say “no thanks”. He will walk away with his head. No problem. There is no recourse in Christianity to take revenge on that person other than prayer.
That all being said, it is my expectation that the controllers of the NWO will ultimately exacerbate this fundamental difference in religious philosophy to their benefit. It will be the ultimate weapon to bring them to domination and into control by fomenting a religious war that will split modern society apart. Again, please give me the benefit of the doubt here- I am not preaching, nor am I summoning forth biblical prophesy. I am simply seeing what is developing in our world today and putting it in context of the elephant in the kitchen: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It’s the perfect trifecta for NWO domination.
I believe that ultimately, everything we see developing before our eyes on the world stage will evolve (devolve?) into a religious war.
Shortly after 9/11 I bought a Koran and read it- cover to cover. At that time I still thought 9/11 was a Muslim plot. I wanted to understand our new enemy. Now I know better. I know who our real enemy is. But at the time I was skeptical of the president when he told me that Islam was a “religion of peace” and I was troubled when Billy Graham’s son was excoriated in the media over some statements he had made regarding Islam’s call to kill people who don’t desire to practice Islam.
Disclosure: I was brought up in a “Born Again” Christian home and have put in my hours in the church…But please understand that that did as much for my cynicism and skepticism as it did for my faith. I got my Bachelor’s degree from a private university that is funded by the Assemblies of God church…out of convenience. Please hear me loud and clear; I am not Assemblies of God, and I am NOT religious. However I AM thoughtful and open minded and I do put a lot of stock in verifiable facts and original sources. And that university required my Business Administration degree to include courses on religious history. Not a bad thing in the long run, to help understand our world today.
The fact is many people (especially in the media and politics) say those who advocate killing people who refuse to adopt Islam are “Muslim Extremists”. But they are, in actuality, Muslim fundamentalists. It is straight out of the Koran. The Koran says, in many verses, to give the “infidel” (the Christian, Jew, or other non-Muslim), a chance to convert, and if it is not taken, to lop off his or her head. It’s right there in black and white, in every Barnes and Noble or Borders; yours for the browsing. Don’t even need to buy the damn thing. Want Homophobia? Look in the Koran. Lop off their heads.
The Koran allows abuse of wives (note the plural), and squarely puts the husband in absolute control of the bodies, minds and actions of his wives and female children. Islam is a medieval religion that has not changed a whit in the last 1400 years. Any and all modern adaptations of Koranic teaching come through arbitrary “Fatwas” proclaimed by regional and local sheikhs. These lawful proclamations can be contradictory and may vary from region to region. A reading of the Koran will show that, contrary to the “Religion of Peace” rhetoric of the President and the MSM, Islam is a very violent and warlike religion. Hell- when Franklin Roosevelt first met King Saud in 1945, the Muslim king had old scimitar scars on his body from wounds aquired as a young man battling rival clans.
People in that part of the world have suddenly been popped into the 21st century out of a 7h Century malaise by the rest of the world’s interest in their oil and by the money that follows. But the religion is woefully behind the curve. Yet in the name of politically correct revisionist history, we are to understand through MSM spokespeople that Islam is innocuous…nothing to see here, folks, move along… That bombing is just the work of a few misguided “extremists”.
Judaism, in its own way, advocates many abhorrent and barbaric practices as well, as are often pointed out by MSM. Only the MSM doesn’t emphasize the old-testament exhortations to stone people who have the wrong kind of cloth in their garments et cetera, ad infinitum… Like Islam, Judaism is also an ancient religion with violent overtones, but it is more inwardly centered than Islam. You tend to excoriate yourself or your wives and daughters rather than your disbelieving neighbor.
But Christianity is different. It’s different for a number of reasons. First, it’s the only one of the “Big Three” that does not, in its original writings, advocate killing disbelievers. Christianity spring boarded off of the Torah; Christ was a Jew. But it left the law behind in favor of belief in a corporeal personification of God who preached pure love. Forget the “Christian” denominations, churches and their doctrine, rituals and rhetoric. Just read what Jesus was supposed to have said. That’s enough.
Folks, please bear with me. I am neither preaching here nor proselytizing. I am just trying to draw some important distinctions between the major religions and their context in our society today.
Islam was a latecomer. It was established in what is now Saudi Arabia, and it remained clustered in that part of the world for most of its history. It is now the fastest growing religion in the world and is observed everywhere. But, and this is the point I wish to emphasize, while Christianity was going through tumultuous changes; the reformation; Martin Luther; a complete refutation of ritual obedience to a multitude of laws, Islam remained exactly as written. It is the same today. There has been no Islamic reformation, no sea change in what is practiced or fundamentally believed since the ancient attitudes, laws, orders and assumptions were first given by Gabriel to Mohammad...
At least with Christianity, after looking at all the hypocrites, the evil done in its name, the con men, the scams, the genocide, etc, etc, one can read the original writings and acknowledge that all those things were a corruption of the religion. One understands that the intent is anathema to the action. But with Islam one sees that the actions are the fulfillment of the religion.
In my opinion, the worst thing about Christianity is the exhortation to go forth and spread the gospel. That is perceived as the duty of Christians. Real Christians, in my opinion, are not bound by rules or laws that could harm another person, believer or not, they simply live the religion. “They will know we are Christians by our love”.
But there are many who take the exhortation to export Christianity to mean that they have to actively push it out the door. That may be why we see some military people in Muslim countries trying to distribute bibles and proselytize. But the difference is, a Muslim who doesn’t want to participate can simply brush it off and say “no thanks”. He will walk away with his head. No problem. There is no recourse in Christianity to take revenge on that person other than prayer.
That all being said, it is my expectation that the controllers of the NWO will ultimately exacerbate this fundamental difference in religious philosophy to their benefit. It will be the ultimate weapon to bring them to domination and into control by fomenting a religious war that will split modern society apart. Again, please give me the benefit of the doubt here- I am not preaching, nor am I summoning forth biblical prophesy. I am simply seeing what is developing in our world today and putting it in context of the elephant in the kitchen: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It’s the perfect trifecta for NWO domination.
"If you're looking for something that isn't there, you're wasting your time and the taxpayers' money."
-Michael Neuman, U.S. Government bureaucrat, on why NIST didn't address explosives in its report on the WTC collapses
-Michael Neuman, U.S. Government bureaucrat, on why NIST didn't address explosives in its report on the WTC collapses