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US spy chief Clapper defends Prism and phone surveillance
Creighton's LONG writeup on Snowden boiled down to a couple of key paragraphs:
Quote:What so few understand at least in the front part of their minds, is that this isn't a reaction to 9/11, it's simply the next stage of 9/11. You can't fight this process without first addressing the core of their only remaining argument. Because at the core of the Twin Towers, you find a plan to see this transition laid out long long before any towers were hit and any buildings were demoed. It's all part of a greater design and it doesn't take much to see it, if you want to.

Why? Why Now?

Why? This is why… because in order to transition (there's that word again) an open society into a closed one (see Naomi Wolf for an explanation) you can do it one of two ways: Shock and Awe as in Libya and Iraq and Syria and Vietnam… or you can gradually shift the public mind via "hearts and minds" operations and false flag events to accept it as a "rational debate on the right balance"
One of those methods breeds violent insurgencies like Afghanistan, the other creates subservient sheep willing to turn their backs on their fellow Americans while they are systematically rounded up.

He goes on to say the Snowden operation is to deflect us from and prepare us for the coming hard summer as sequestration kicks in.

Sequestration? Wait. Isn't that like old news or something.

The hard times are on their way he says. Austerity is designed to do that. But wait look over here. Pay lots of attention to what was, up until now at leas,t a relatively trivial leak, compared to the fact that it all came out years ago. Why is it that NOW it is front page news? Why now?

In what I call am calling thought experiment, IF the Snowden Hero Phenomenon is a creation of the The Magicians, it is meant to deflect, confuse, divide, infuriate, demoralize a population, lead to new more restrictive laws, all of which comes under the rubric, strategy of tension.

Quote:The "why now" part of the equation is easy. Austerity is about to land on this country like it has on so many over the past 6 decades and in order to maintain control, they have to manage the uprising. This summer is going to be hard. Gold prices are already tumbling, world markets are out of control, ours is only being propped up by massive infusion of trillions of dollars keeping the Wall Street masters in the loot for a little while longer, but they are quietly pulling out before the next Great Depression.
They need a reason to put this country on lock-down. They are setting up to disarm those out there who they are worried about and they already know who you are.

The transition that they have been writing about since 2000 is upon us, at least the final stage of it, and it isn't going to be pretty.
Back in the day, like say Indonesia under Suharto a favorite dictator of ours and President Obama's mother's employer (actually it was USAID and the CIA) used to have to create lists of dissidents and left leaning rabble rousers the old fashioned way. He got the CIA to get USAID on the ground in the neighborhoods to make "micro loans" to folks, basically payouts to business minded folks who were paid to snitch on their leftist neighbors.

President Obama's mother did that job for a number of years while his step father was actually a general working for Suharto.
USAID would then take the lists and give them to their friends at the CIA who would then help Suharto to round them up and either "reeducate" or kill them.

Neoliberal economics demands such actions because it is so undemocratic, so unfair and exploitative, they have to have death squads to handle problems before they become problems.
That's how it used to word and it's no coincidence that Obama, born to this kind of system, is now the president.
The lists are collected other ways now. They have honeypot groups which feed your info along the chain but they also have stuff like "metadata"

The end result will be the same. The list even has a name… Main Core. For a while it has been used as a kind of blacklist for jobs and such and in the end it will be used to cut your credit off when we finally devolve into their wet-dream, the cashless society.
But for now, the Main Core list will be used in another way:
"We know all this already," I stated. He looked at me, giving me a look like I've never seen, and actually pushed his finger into my chest. "You don't know jack," he said, "this is bigger than you can imagine, bigger than anyone can imagine. This administration is collecting names of sources, whistle blowers and their families, names of media sources and everybody they talk to and have talked to, and they already have a huge list. If you're not working for MSNBC or CNN, you're probably on that list. If you are a website owner with a brisk readership and a conservative bent, you're on that list. It's a political dissident list, not an enemy threat list," he stated." shtf Plan

The author of the article mistakenly relates it to Marxism of course, it's always about "the communist Obama" for these guys, but he's not that far off base when he talks about the list targeting dissidents.

In a world were every effort is exerted to control what you think and how you see the world, what is the main threat? Terrorism? No. It's dissent. Rational, reasonable, logical dissent. It's a virus to those masters of the universe who would own the world and all of us in it.

That's why this "metadata' isn't about listening to you talk to your Muslim friends as the "confide" spiritual leanings your way. That's why it doesn't make a hill of beans difference if you are poor, working class or middle class (in fact the middle class with more education is historically targeted first… notice the war on public education and the "alternative truth tellers" who support that as well? It's not a coincidence).

If you suffer from the same virus WE ALL DO then you will be targeted until that virus is removed from you. That is why they monitor calls, emails, chats online, talks with friends in your living room, game discussions while playing with friends online…
… they want to know who will go along and who will not. That is what the metadata algorithms predict and that is why it's so important for them to continue to collect it.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

Messages In This Thread
US spy chief Clapper defends Prism and phone surveillance - by Lauren Johnson - 11-06-2013, 05:22 PM

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