17-06-2013, 07:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 17-06-2013, 08:22 AM by Adele Edisen.)
Tracy Riddle Wrote:I don't think most sci-fi writers envisioned technology ever becoming so small, cheap and plentiful. Orwell's 1984 is a clunky low-tech world compared to what's happening now.
The only thing that will stop this trend is a collapse of the system, which is one reason they're so desperate to push fracking and tar sands and other means of producing unconventional fossil fuels. Conventional crude oil production peaked during the last decade, and the elites know (even if the public doesn't) that fossil fuels are still the lifeblood of the whole thing. Even the alternate energy sources (nuclear, wind, solar, ethanol) all depend heavily on fossil fuels to keep them viable.
Hi, Tracy, For your information, you may be interested to know that scientists (American and Soviet geologists) have been able to produce petroleum in the laboratory to prove the abiotic (or abiogenic) hypothesis of oil production wthin the earth. As I recall, the head of a compamy called the Gas Resources Corporation in Houston was one of the people involved in this collaboration. They used marble stone, triple distilled water, and iron oxde as a catalyst and sujected these items to high heat and high pressure to mimic the conditions under the earth's surface. I wrote several articles on this in Rich DellaRosa's forum, JFKresearch.com some years ago. If you go to Google and put in the terms "abiotic petroleum production," you will find articles on this subject.
http://www.csun.edu/~vcgeo005/Energy.html (Article by J.F. Kenney of the Gas Resourses Corpotation of Houston, Texas
Obviously, such a manufacturing method would be extremely expensive, but it does explain how dried oil wells could fill up with oil again after a time, and how the organic sources of oil are a rather unlikelu source of oil, since oil wells that go far deeper into the earth than the levels of biological organisms existence are capable of producing petroleum. It will be a very long time before we runm out of oil.
Adele (Apologies ro Magda for going off-topic. Big Brother has been trying to hide and dismiss the abiotic theory of oil production, or it just doesn't know about it and continues to believe in the old biologic source of petroleum)