17-06-2013, 09:03 PM
Jan, I have often considered that Jim Jones was MK-ULTRA'd by the CIA spychologists and placed under the control of Dan Mitrione. There were some strangeness in his behaviour on the night of the suicidations that felt as though he was under control.
This is very true, and I cannot help but wonder if the Crowleyian Master Lam/Grey Alien myth was an attempt at adapting/fabricating and inducing a false archetype to be used for the purposes of a designer cosmology of which you speak. This would have the benefit of controlling the entire state of mind of the target/s from unconscious inception to the end.
We also know that Eastabrooks used his hypnotics skills in WWII, and that the Nazis engaged in early mind control experiments in the work-to-death camps - and so this would all nicely fit the timing of the first 1947 Flying Saucer "sighting" reported by the spook connected Kenneth Arnold - plus the birth of the alleged telepathic contact with "The Nine" discussed elsewhere.
Quote:All shamans know that once you open the Pandora's Box of the mind, you have to provide the initiate with a cosmology, a map for the journey.
This is very true, and I cannot help but wonder if the Crowleyian Master Lam/Grey Alien myth was an attempt at adapting/fabricating and inducing a false archetype to be used for the purposes of a designer cosmology of which you speak. This would have the benefit of controlling the entire state of mind of the target/s from unconscious inception to the end.
We also know that Eastabrooks used his hypnotics skills in WWII, and that the Nazis engaged in early mind control experiments in the work-to-death camps - and so this would all nicely fit the timing of the first 1947 Flying Saucer "sighting" reported by the spook connected Kenneth Arnold - plus the birth of the alleged telepathic contact with "The Nine" discussed elsewhere.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14