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US spy chief Clapper defends Prism and phone surveillance
Blackmail by Richard Raznikov

But what the Snowden revelations brought to mind was Hoover and what he might've been able to do with this level of sophisticated surveillance. Then, yesterday, came a statement from Russell Tice, another former NSA employee, who told several on line radio journalists about what he personally saw in 2004.

"I had my hand literally on the paperwork," he told Peter B. Collins. "They went after members of Congress, the Senate and the House, especially on the intelligence and armed services committees and the judicial committee, but they went after other ones, too. They went after lawyers and law firms and they went after judges. They went after State Department officials… They went after U.S. international corporations, U.S. banking firms and financial firms. They went after NGOs (non-governmental organizations) like the Red Cross and people like that, that go overseas and do humanitarian work…

"Don't tell me there's no abuse because I had this stuff in my hands, I looked at it, and in some cases I was literally involved in the technology that was going after this stuff. When I said to (Keith) Olbermann, my thing is high tech, the other thing is the dragnet… the terrestrial dragnet. Well, my specialty is outer space, I deal with satellites, everything that goes in and out of space, I did my spying, that's how I found out about this."

Question: this creates the potential for massive blackmail…

"Absolutely. I was worried that the intelligence community now has sway over what is going on. I haven't given you any names. This was in the summer of 2004. One of the papers I had in my hands was a bunch of numbers associated with a forty-something wanna-be Senator from Illinois, that's who they went after…

"I can give you names of a bunch of different people they went after that I saw, the names and phone numbers of congress people and not only them, what looked like staff people, too, and not only their congressional offices, their home state offices. This thing is incredible what NSA's done. They turned themselves into a rogue agency that has J. Edgar Hoover capabilities on a monstrous scale, on steroids."

Tice had other names to offer besides Barack Obama, then a young candidate for U.S. Senate but already a rising star in the Democratic Party. The NSA, to Tice's personal knowledge, was spying on Senators Diane Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Orrin Hatch, and Dick Durbin. He says that the NSA is wiretapping everyone, that the captured material is stored in Utah, in the massive complex he says is already operational, contrary to what the government claims.

Messages In This Thread
US spy chief Clapper defends Prism and phone surveillance - by Tracy Riddle - 22-06-2013, 03:36 AM

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