27-06-2013, 05:32 PM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:If its already been decided then why are we losing ground in the court of public opinion?You'll never catch me at a Yankee game. Not in the Albert Speer Memorial Baseball Mausoleum. If the we are losing the battle of pubic opinion, and I wasn't aware the polls had dropped below 50% in favor of conspiracy, then it is because most of us who can remember 11/22/63, are 60 or beyond, and most under 30 have an historical awareness that doesn't extend 5 years from the present.
Especially with the declassified files of the ARRB proving even more conclusively Oswald's innocence.
If you choose to withdraw from these things, then you go ahead and cede even more ground to Bugliosi, O'Reilly, Brokaw, Mack and Perry, Sixth Floor, Rawlings etc.
And we will always be occupying little hovels of the internet slapping hands with ourselves. Over what?
That may suit you Charles, and your Drago-Evica schematic, but some of us are not ready to cede anything in public. So we try and take on the O'Reillys and Bugliosis and Sixth Floor. Head on, if need be.
Towards the end of her life, Sylvia Meagher had essentially retired from the field. She spent her time going to Yankees games.
I'm not ready to do that yet.