07-07-2013, 06:51 PM
Charles Drago Wrote:All of us should be familiar with the seven deadly (or cardinal) sins:
Few of us would routinely acknowledge, let alone celebrate our commissions of the first six.
How many of us, for example, lust after our own children?
Most of us, however, are proud of our children.
And just three days ago, on the Fourth of July, the overwhelming majority of Americans sang of the pride they take in their country.
Please help me understand.
democracy and freedom are ideas as well as ideals, never to be attained in the individual at full measure. Why? Simple, the seven deadly sins you've posted, of course. Man simply can't get there.
Frankly, I think the founding father's would be appalled at the reverence we take in flag worship. In this country faux patriotism has become a national religion.