20-07-2013, 12:25 PM
What's going down here?
The SOCA / Leveson "let's just not mention blue chip companies & the powerful" coziness has been discussed in the pages above, but Rob Wilson MP is effectively making charges of treason here.
Backbench Tory MP Rob Wilson called for both Sir Ian and Mr Pearce to be sacked if they continue to block the release of the list of names.
The MP for Reading East said in a letter to Home Secretary Theresa May last night: It is entirely unacceptable for Soca to put its own reputation and commercial interests before its duties to the public in tackling serious criminality.
Many people will rightly see Soca's actions as an abuse of the Official Secrets Act and the Human Rights Act. It appears that Soca is in danger of losing its way in taking the decisions it has.
Tackling serious and organised crime is an incredibly important function in a civilised country. It will be difficult for the public to have confidence in Soca while it appears there is one law for the rich and powerful, and another for the rest.'
What's going down here?
The SOCA / Leveson "let's just not mention blue chip companies & the powerful" coziness has been discussed in the pages above, but Rob Wilson MP is effectively making charges of treason here.
Backbench Tory MP Rob Wilson called for both Sir Ian and Mr Pearce to be sacked if they continue to block the release of the list of names.
The MP for Reading East said in a letter to Home Secretary Theresa May last night: It is entirely unacceptable for Soca to put its own reputation and commercial interests before its duties to the public in tackling serious criminality.
Many people will rightly see Soca's actions as an abuse of the Official Secrets Act and the Human Rights Act. It appears that Soca is in danger of losing its way in taking the decisions it has.
Tackling serious and organised crime is an incredibly important function in a civilised country. It will be difficult for the public to have confidence in Soca while it appears there is one law for the rich and powerful, and another for the rest.'
Quote:Police won't name big firms and lawyers who hack phones - to protect their human rights
Police refused to publish names of companies accused of hiring private eyes
The Serious Organised Crime Agency has a list of those accused
Publishing names might breach the Human Rights Act, they claim
The agency said that publishing the list could damage the firms' commercial interests by tainting them with guilt
By Jack Doyle
PUBLISHED: 00:21, 20 July 2013 | UPDATED: 00:22, 20 July 2013 Daily Mail
Lord Justice Leveson's report into hone hacking did not mention blue-chip companies
Police are refusing to publish the names of law firms, blue-chip companies and celebrities accused of hiring private investigators to break the law to protect their human rights'.
The Serious Organised Crime Agency has a list of those accused of paying private eyes to dig for information, including using illegal means such as phone hacking.
But yesterday it emerged that the agency, dubbed Britain's FBI, is suppressing the names, claiming that to publish them might breach the Human Rights Act. It cited Article 8, the right to a private and family life.
The agency also claimed that publishing the list could damage the firms' commercial interests by tainting them with guilt.
Last night one Tory MP called for the heads of Soca to be sacked if they continue to block the release of the list.
And senior MPs who are investigating the scandal criticised the agency for its lack of transparency.
Labour's Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, wrote to Soca to ask for all the information Soca holds on private investigators and their links with the police and private sector'.
He said: Soca has indicated that it is prepared to give the client list to us in confidence. This has still not been received. It is a disappointment that this is yet another document the committee has had to receive in secret from Soca.'
Blue-chip companies that hired corrupt private investigators will stay secret despite demands from MPs for them to be revealed
DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Hacking, hypocrisy and a flawed inquiry
He added: In view of the public interest, openness and transparency may be the only way that the public can be reassured that no one is above the law and [that] Soca have done all they can to address this issue.'
Mr Vaz said he will write to the leading 100 legal firms and every firm in the FTSE 100 to ask them if they have ever commissioned private investigators and for what.
Labour¿s Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, wrote to Soca to ask for 'all the information Soca holds on private investigators and their links with the police and private sector'
Labour's Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, wrote to Soca to ask for 'all the information Soca holds on private investigators and their links with the police and private sector'
On June 24 he wrote to Sir Ian Andrews, the chairman of Soca, to ask him to provide the committee with a list of clients who hired private investigators to break the law that Soca is aware of', setting a deadline of June 28.
In a letter dated July 12, published on the committee's website on Wednesday, Sir Ian a former Ministry of Defence mandarin said publishing the information could substantially undermine the financial viability of major organisations by tainting them with public association with criminality'.
The evidence has now been formally classified', he added.
Detailing his reasons, he said there was a lack of certainty' over whether the investigators' clients had guilty knowledge' and were aware of what was going on. And he said naming them could undermine their right to a private and family life under the Human Rights Act.
He also cited the possible prejudice which any publication might have on ongoing criminal investigations and future regulatory action'.
He wrote: This reflects the fact that the information it contains, if published, might prejudice individual security or liberty, impede the investigation (or facilitate the commission) of serious crime or substantially undermine the financial viability of major organisations by tainting them with public association with criminality.'
The list of clients stems from a Metropolitan Police investigation codenamed Operation Millipede which led to the jailing of four private detectives in January last year.
How the Daily Mail has reported the issue since June
How the Daily Mail has reported the issue since June (above and below)
How the Daily Mail has reported the issue since June (above and below)
The court heard personal information was blagged' by private investigators who impersonated targets while phoning banks, building societies and telephone companies.
But no details of the men's alleged clients came out in court.
Last month it emerged that a Soca report into private investigators that was submitted to the Leveson Inquiry but not mentioned in Lord Justice Leveson's report or published on the inquiry website alleged widespread misbehaviour by businesses other than the media.
The confidential document, codenamed Project Riverside, contained intelligence material on the wider use of private investigators outside the media.
It alleged that law firms, insurance companies, wealthy individuals and even councils were paying for information.
Rob Wilson said in a letter to Home Secretary Theresa May that it is entirely unacceptable for Soca to put its own reputation and commercial interests before its duties to the public
Rob Wilson said in a letter to Home Secretary Theresa May that it is entirely unacceptable for Soca to put its own reputation and commercial interests before its duties to the public
One hacker reportedly said that 80 per cent of his client list was blue-chip companies and high-profile individuals, with the rest relating to the media.
Questions have been asked on why little apparent action has been taken either to disrupt this trade in information or to target those paying for it.
They are reported to include a corporate giant, a celebrity broadcaster, a media personality and a wealthy businessman.
Both Sir Ian and Trevor Pearce, the agency's director general, were summoned to return before the MPs after details of what the agency knew, which date back six years or more, came to light.
The agency has agreed to allow Mr Vaz and members of the committee to see a copy of the list of names, on the condition it is not made public.
Backbench Tory MP Rob Wilson called for both Sir Ian and Mr Pearce to be sacked if they continue to block the release of the list of names.
The MP for Reading East said in a letter to Home Secretary Theresa May last night: It is entirely unacceptable for Soca to put its own reputation and commercial interests before its duties to the public in tackling serious criminality.
Many people will rightly see Soca's actions as an abuse of the Official Secrets Act and the Human Rights Act. It appears that Soca is in danger of losing its way in taking the decisions it has.
Tackling serious and organised crime is an incredibly important function in a civilised country. It will be difficult for the public to have confidence in Soca while it appears there is one law for the rich and powerful, and another for the rest.'
Scotland Yard's continuing investigations into newspapers are expected to cost nearly £40million by the time they conclude in April 2015.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."
Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."
Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war