25-07-2013, 08:12 AM
Dr. King would find in Chicago's Cornel West Side Story an American tragedy
in the New York abortion of black babies a key factor in the slide to hell
would have called out dba Obama King of Drones, called him down
Dr. King was felled with Marrell McCullough the Judas copmilint whispering in the Forum where the acoustic waves converge
would've et tu Jesse in whose house Michelle "grew up"
The new riff from the al-Shabazz tenor sax master blaster (by any means possible) is a sour note now
Martha's Vinyard? And all that, and all that
Trayvon was No More Mister Nice Guy but dba Barry threw Wright under one of the two Canadian buses, Le Rouge et Le Noir (affectation, street cred, just a pose)
Dr. King had a conscience which was trampling out the vinyards where the grapes of wrath were stored--not Martha's 40-car convoy to a bookstore
Malcolm was a solar furnace of becoming, Dr. King a moral juggernaut--dba Artist Formerly Known as Obama is a pet chameleon
In a weak horse, strong horse scenario, "Obama" doesn't even show
When Turkey buys the Chinese HQ-9 over the Raytheon and Lockheed Martin Patriot there will be repercussions
When China continues to extinguish Muslim culture there will be repercussions
Malcolm's daughter once said she saw her father in dba "Obama"
Cornel West would fall out of his chair at that
It is to laugh
in the New York abortion of black babies a key factor in the slide to hell
would have called out dba Obama King of Drones, called him down
Dr. King was felled with Marrell McCullough the Judas copmilint whispering in the Forum where the acoustic waves converge
would've et tu Jesse in whose house Michelle "grew up"
The new riff from the al-Shabazz tenor sax master blaster (by any means possible) is a sour note now
Martha's Vinyard? And all that, and all that
Trayvon was No More Mister Nice Guy but dba Barry threw Wright under one of the two Canadian buses, Le Rouge et Le Noir (affectation, street cred, just a pose)
Dr. King had a conscience which was trampling out the vinyards where the grapes of wrath were stored--not Martha's 40-car convoy to a bookstore
Malcolm was a solar furnace of becoming, Dr. King a moral juggernaut--dba Artist Formerly Known as Obama is a pet chameleon
In a weak horse, strong horse scenario, "Obama" doesn't even show
When Turkey buys the Chinese HQ-9 over the Raytheon and Lockheed Martin Patriot there will be repercussions
When China continues to extinguish Muslim culture there will be repercussions
Malcolm's daughter once said she saw her father in dba "Obama"
Cornel West would fall out of his chair at that
It is to laugh