06-08-2013, 10:39 AM
"There was no brain. There were pieces. . .maybe a half a handful. . .monstrous hole in his head. . .the brain was gone for all practical purposes. . ."
Hyperboliosi takes over at 5:34, has a cow because three surgeons signed the report stating the brain was removed and formalin fixation begun.
Then he has twin cows because O'Connor didn't tell the HSCA there was no brain.
He finds O'Connor's mention of the secrecy order to be not worth a comment.
Frankly, Blakey said all witnesses agreed with the photos of the clean, intact rear of the head.
Thus, for Hyperoliosi, the signature of three surgeons is equivalent to Moses' tablets, and Blakey is a pathological liar.
We may wonder where the 1500 gram brain is. Perhaps Blakey and Hyperboliosi have the answer.