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Some Misunderstandings Related to WTC Collapse Analysis
The same *group* has been around as long as there have been top down social and political structures. That group has various names...the king, the father, the elite, the top brass, the bord of directors (no confusion in how this group sees itself), or the benign *leadership*... the polit bureau.

This is the way society organizes and this is why abuse is endemic when an elite class exists (and it always does). The elites act to self preserve their franchise... the guard against those who seek to remove their power and priviledge and they use their power and privledge to enrich themselves and their circle of friends... who of course then protect the benefactor.

Democracy was / is the concept of empowering the masses and removing the power of the elite... of advancing the lot of the people not individuals. It's a concept of equality not of superiority as top down class structures are. But democracy works against the selfish and self protection need which is a basic biological attribute of survival. The most fit and strong survive and prosper.. the less are left to suffer and struggle and even be used by the strong. Democracy has not delivered on its promise despite being altered to fit human nature and efficiency.

All western democracies are examples of the power of corruption or the corruption of power. The behavior of the elite is hardly unexpected or unpredictable with respect to 9/11 or any historical event. The elite can push the chess pieces around the board rather easily and sometimes do. They can't help themselves from acting in their selfish interest and the interest of their class. it's would be like a trying to removed the stripes from a zebra. Ain't gonna happen.

Tony, do you think the "same group" would respond any differently to a terrorist attack? Do you think they wouuld not try to conceal their incompetence? Or protect their fellow elites.. or even use their position of access to intel to financially benefit?

Suppose in a thought experiment.. intel got wind of a plot to blow up 10 American Airline planes on the ground at airports around the world... You don't think for a minute they some of these bastards and their friends would go out and short American Airline stock and make a calculus that so few lives would be lost and so much money is to be made? Of course you might expect some in the service who naively believed these were serious organizations in place to protect democracy would have their hair on fire if they got wind of the intel... and of course the SOBs would suppress the intel, block any action and make a claim that there were system failures in communication... move on and let's get on with the program... Next move Shock And Awe.

Whistle blowers have revealed their naivete and that there are plenty inside who are partying with their power. And the powerful are making damn sure that nothing really changes and no one turns on the lights...or when they do... they shut the power down pretty damn quick.

Get real man... you sound terribly naive... like Gage and the other truther people.

Messages In This Thread
Some Misunderstandings Related to WTC Collapse Analysis - by Jeffrey Orling - 07-08-2013, 02:16 PM

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