08-08-2013, 12:02 AM
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Albert Rossi Wrote:Al......I think 9/11 was a made-for-television spectacle to prepare the world for the writing of history a la Hegel.....
Excellent imagination and projection! But there was no reason to drop 7... the twins would have served the purpose you envision. 7 came down because of a chain reaction related to the plane strikes and the entire wtc exposed the inadequacy of the designs, the fire protection, the egress and the emergency management response, the failure to prevent an attack... 4 hijackings on US soil and to foil it with our expensive spy apparatus.
So GWB who ran like a lost sheep was told to use 9/11 to go for the oil and flex America's muscle so the world knows who'se boss.
Sure everything we see on TV is... made for TV... before 9/11 the were producing fake news ... and the gulf war had the incubator baby actress before congress.
There is no evidence of explosives found. No steel showing signs of being blown apart by explosives and not a single person who has leaked a bit of the plot even in a death bed confession.
There were also sorts of weird engineering decisions which the WTC represented and made them come apart like a house of cards. None of the bizarre engineering issues were investigated BECAUSE they needed to turn lemons into lemonade and get on with the plans of empire that were waiting for a reason to attack. Notice how they are trying to do thos with Iran and even North Korea... in north Africa they created the Arab spring and bombed Libya another non threat to the empire and supported terrorists there.
Post 9/11 we were then trained repeatedly to fear terrorism... You don't want another 9/11? take off your shows and empty your pockets. Sheeple don't need much coaxin'