08-08-2013, 10:28 PM
Malcolm Pryce Wrote:Surely the LIHOP/MIHOP dichotomy is a sterile distraction. If you believe some of the perps were sitting in the Pentagon that morning, there can't be any such thing as LIHOP. They would have needed total control of every aspect of the operation. I mean, is Rumsfeld really going to sit in his office knowing there is a suicidal maniac in a hijacked plane heading that way, confident that the suicide pilot has promised to aim for that empty wedge at the back? The only way you could sit there would be if you knew there was no plane at all, but rather a totally reliable. precisely targeted missile.
When I asked JO just who decided not to do anything, he said this:
Quote:I don't think one person made a single over arching decision which was then handed down and implemented by managers. A guess of course. My conception is that all those who are in top positions inside the NSS, intel and MIC subscribe to the same world view and they don't need to be told precisely what to do.
If you ask random senior military person you might encounter they will all share a similar conception of who the enemy is at any given time and how to fight and so forth. My suspicison is that the LIHOP means that there was intel that an attack was in the making... and this was seen as the oppportiunity to respond with overwhelming force and define the new enemy as a tangible real threat to the people of the US.
If a plot was thwarted the people would think...oh yea right... BS you guys made it up and are looking for a promotion or some such... so in order to ramp it up and get the next round of procurements going and a hot war and grab some oil a pretext was needed that would make this fly. No enemy no MIC and no procurement and downsizing and so forth... so those on the inside have a vested interest in seeing that there are enemies and credible ones... bombing a war ship in Yemen is hardly going to impact of the domestic population of the US.
The terrorists understood that they US loses all counter insurgencies and drains them... which is precisely what happened post 9/11. Once the empire tries to use their armies it always ends in a terrific loss to the empire and a waste of their treasure and eventually the people lose interest in supporting the adventurism. So they then resort to these little false flags to make sure people don't forget. But the empire is not growing it's bleeding not.
Who makes the decision to bomb civilians? or wedding parties? These sadists believe the are taking out the enemy and could care less... they are hired killers not paid to think or quesiton orders and policies. Once you get all these bots in place they do what bots do... what they are programmed to do. No thinking allowed.
In summary, nobody decided anything. JO expects us to believe ... well, what? LIHOP was supposed to bring about permanent war because the hive mind of the MIC, the DoD, the CIA, the neocons, etc. all think alike so that when some random person stumbles across a specific plot, that persons knows not to report it? And just why wouldn't these war hawks just go ahead and plan something? Seems a lot easier than waiting for some guy operating out of cave to get his act together.
From a meeting of some unnamed high officials:
Official #1: Intel has it that Osama is planning to hijack and crash some planes into the World Trade Center.
Official #2: No shit. That would be fantastic. We could start some wars, make them permanent, get the national security state ramped up.
Official #1: We've got all kinds of stuff for Bush to say. Some really great lines. We have some great legislation written up, too. It pretty much gets rid of the Bill of Rights.
Official #2 That sounds great. But ...
Official #1 But, what?
Official #2 What happens if bin Laden screws things up. Then where will we be?
Official #1 Oh, My God. Don't talk like that. Don't even think like that.
Official #2 How about another bourbon?
Official #1 Make it a double.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I
"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl