09-08-2013, 03:14 AM
Tony Szamboti Wrote:It can't be stated much better than you do here. JFK could not leave the plaza alive and the towers could not remain standing.
People like Jeffrey and Albert Doyle are either confused souls or intentional deluders. There is no in between because it really isn't all that hard to see what happened at this point. Seeing the collapse of WTC 7 and remembering one was told it fell due to fire is just like when one finally sees the Zapruder film and remembers they had been told John Kennedy was shot from the right rear.
You call that logic?
Why did someone decide that the towers had to come down?
And why 7? And why not during the day time... why why wait 7 hrs?
It didn't fall because of fire... it fell because heat and perhaps some electrical explosions... we don't know the precise cause... likely weakened the connections of the transfer trusses which failed and because a progressive failure through the core at flrs 5, 6 &7... which led to the inside dropping onto the sub station, destroying the braced frames on on perimeter extending to floor 8 and then the curtain wall and perimeter columns just inside them came down 8 stories at free fall until it began to crush up at the ground level. Whatever it was that destroyed the truss connections took the entire afternoon to do it. The FDNY reported the building was of questionable stability and had everyone evacuate because they expect it to collapse.
But of course you think the FDNY as in on the conspiracy to take it down.
I'm not intending to delude anyone. I am presenting what makes sense to me based on the limited evidence, building movements, witness reports and the structural design itself, plus the testimony before congress in 2002 where it was suggested that the connections might have failed.
Could devices have destroyed those connections? Sure. Where's the proof?