16-08-2013, 10:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 16-08-2013, 11:00 AM by Jim Hackett II.)
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Lamo was/is a creature of the intelligence community who infiltrated the white-hacking/Anonymous/Wikileaks communities. I don't even think there is a place for him in Hell. Now, I hear, he must wear a disguise and watch where he goes - and no longer goes out in public to meetings, as he once did to 'gather info'. Few to none will communicate with him face-to-face or via the internet anymore. angryfire Only his 'employers'.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
How can I trust any Spook galloping herd? After Phoenix Program from the 1970s, They Lie. Period.
2 years to break past that coverup and even then the whole truth is not in the public domain.
Likely buried in Suitland MD, somewhere in the 100+ acres of underground DOD records.
While the FABLE lives still.
How can I accept the word of the NSA that "they stopped" or will "dispose" of gained data on all of us when I know the extent of the LIES that came before.
I know better than to take a Spook's word.
Simply put I cannot, when drones overfly the US in like civil spying on citizens. We are citizens not subjects. We don't allow titles in this country, or we once didn't.
"Sir knights" can kiss my American ass.
John Lennon had the balls to tell the queen to stuff his proposed knighthood up her imperial panties.
Being a Yank so would I. Constitutional prohibition of such aside I would even if legal to accept the so called honor.
We allow teflon coated politicians to strut the stage as the unclothed Emperor and a fascist Emperor at that.
Snitches are an endangered species protected by the Spooks.

Citizens brave enough to pull down the curtain of lies of the Spooks are not rats nor snitches.
Now knowing that the Empire will always resort to a lie before truth spoken to WeThePeople.
So don't accept a damn word governments try to feed us.
They lie and snitches make it a profession.
Damn 'em.
Semper Fi.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.