17-08-2013, 02:40 AM
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Overall, I think LSD and pot kept too many people in that generation tranquilized into complacency. I'm not against consciousness-expansion, and the careful experimentation with such chemicals, but I think many young people were just kept drugged up so they wouldn't be a bigger threat to the system.
Yeah. There was a drug that performed that mission -- specifically "weaponized" for that purpose.
In the 80's it was crack cocaine. Populations were targeted as a holocaust by another means.
LSD is not habit forming and the effects are unpredictable in larger doses, and so is only weaponized when given as a mickey, to the unknowing.
Young people like to drop acid and enjoy music. It's just as true in 2013 as it was in the 60's.
As far as pot goes --alcohol is way worse, bro.