19-08-2013, 02:45 PM
Tony Szamboti Wrote:Kind of sounds like the suppression of the Zapruder film and witnesses who mentioned hearing shots which they believe came from the underpass side of Dealey Plaza to the front of the limousine carrying JFK. One of the most heinous early attempts to keep the Kennedy assassination as being done by one shooter in the TSBD came from Life magazine, who had the Zapruder film. It was due to Parkland doctors calling the frontal throat wound an entrance wound. Life tried to say the Zapruder film showed JFK turning around to see where the first shot came from and that this would have been when he was shot in the front of the throat. Of course, the Z-film was suppressed and the public would not see it for years. It turned out that the Z-film showed nothing like this.
Apparently the cover-up artists need to feel their way for a short time to see where the wind blows and what turns up.
Valuable deep political analysis, Tony.
Deep study of the JFK assassination allows us to perceive, isolate, and focus resources on its internal structures, strategies, and tactics which in turn can be appreciated in the aggregate as templates for study earlier and subsequent meta-conspiracies.
I would suggest that you consider what for me is the strong possibility that literally from day one the Z-film was utilized to exacerbate the confusion and contradictions that may be appreciated as the conspiracy's antibodies to the infections of honorable observations and investigations.
Suppression served to build expectations to the breaking point and thus all but make certain that, upon the Z-film's controlled public release, emotion would dominate reason within the research community and ultimately divide it into today's counter-productive, cover-up-prolonging pro- and anti-alteration cantons.