21-08-2013, 07:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 21-08-2013, 07:54 PM by David Healy.)
Tracy Riddle Wrote:David, I've always been willing to be convinced by the alterationists' arguments, but I never have been. My biggest problem is, knowing what we do about the chain of possession of the Z-film, when could all of this have been done?
Hello Tracy... I suspect the powers to be at DPF would like to see future comments re this subject matter under a different thread heading.
Having said that I'll make a final comment: the Warren Commission, as a group, had their official (first-last) screening of the Zapruder film, late February (thereabouts) 1964. The film was presented by FBI SA Shaneyfelt. Attested to as "fact," the in-camera original Zapruder film capturing the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy-President of the United States, Nov 22nd 1963 --Dallas, Texas. What determinations concerning the assassination AFTER screening the Z-film (by the commission), I don't know. But, I suspect any post screening discussion resolved around "a lone gunman" and the murder of JFK.
Chain of possession/location re the original Zapruder film and the 3 1st generation dupes? There isn't one, no timestamps. We do have reports, many in fact, much hearsay and conjecture, that's it! Formal chain of possession, doesn't exist!
Having said THAT: I charged myself 1n 1998 to determine if in fact, optical film-lab equipment, the knowledge base, optical film technician(s), technical manpower, post-production film management AND artistic expertise was available to alter (any type, any level of alteration) the in-camera Zapruder film, creating thusly a NEW and improved,for whatever reason, 8mm Zapruder film (accomplishing same via 8mm-35mm film blowup) during the following time frame: late 11/1963 thru late 02/1964. Those requirements were met for that time frame.
That time frame provided professionals sufficient time to accomplish any type, no matter how sophisticated, (believable) alteration to the Zapruder film. Based on my understanding, the WC did NOT screen the film frame-by-frame. The primary and ONLY viewing audience of the Zapruder was the Warren Commission and staff members! In my estimation, based on my film-video compositing experience 10-14 days to do the job.
Closing, the Zapruder film as seen by the Warren Commission late Feb '64, was to never see the light of day, as a motion FILM after that screening. Specifically, laced up in a projector and projected onto a film screen--ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. The alleged Zapruder film currently housed at NARA (National Archives) screened by the Warren Commission, hasn't!
YouTube has the 2003 Great Zapruder Film HOAX Univ. of Minn. film symposium. I presented covering this "was it possible..." subject matter during that symposium. Fellow presenters were Dr. David Mantick, Dr. John Costella, Dr. Jim Fetzer, David Lifton and Jack White. ALL Z-film symposium presentations are located on YouTUBE.
see my presentation here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOvxcgIjZ4w (segment 1 of 9ea. 10 minute segments)
My original 'written' presentation was posted to Rich DellaRosa's forum in 1997, I'm not sure (I doubt) if that written presentation carried over to this site (under: DellaRosa archive).