22-08-2013, 12:19 AM
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Cliff Varnell Wrote:I won't ignore Crowley but I'll ignore Michael Aquino all day long. Fuck him in the neck.
"Fuck him in the neck", eh? That's an interesting choice of phrase.
What's your problem with Colonel Mikey?
"I do not like thee Dr Fell
Why that is I cannot tell
But I do not like thee Dr. Fell."
I thought he was a sleazy cat the first time I saw him and I haven't seen or read anything to improve my initial impression.
Quote:Do you regard him as a heretic from the Church of Satan?
I think the intentional irony of "the Church of Satan"-- Anton having a larf at religion -- makes the notion of a "heretic" funny.
I think a Satanist is "heretical" when they start "following" someone. It's one thing to follow ritual "black magic" activities among consenting adults as the equivalent of prayer -- but surrendering one's own free will to another is the opposite of "Satanic", as is worshiping some devilish higher power.
That's how I understand "Satanism," at any rate. Your mileage obviously varies.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:Now, tell me why you think Crowley reserved his "Law" only for himself?
Ask Gurdjieff.
He's dead, last I looked.
Quote:We could spend days discussing the symbolic and practical meaning of Crowley's "bloody sacrifice".
I've done it before. As has David Guyatt.
Okay, so it takes days to establish Crowley as a Great Beast.
Quote:I can already tell there will be no meeting of minds, so there's simply no point.
Levenda called out the Church of Satan for having "common ground" with Neo-Nazis and Klansman.
Rather than defend this spurious charge you wish to bring up Michael Aquino and your elaborate case against Al Crowley.
It's Laurel Canyon Babylon all over again.
Guilt-by-association smear after smear after smear.