22-08-2013, 06:41 PM
Kevin Hall Wrote:Jeffrey, you obviously have not found a cooperative audience here. In fact, you encounter opposition with your every opinion.
Why are you still here? Your message certainly isn't being received. Are you headstrong? Having fun antagonizing the natives? What?
Given your persistence is it truly a surprise to you that many think you are here on the clock?
If not, then surely you have better things to do, yes?
I explained in the past so I won't repeat how I cam to this forum. I get email notifications to the thread I comment and and when I see bullsh*t.. my BS meter alerts me and I feel compelled to call BS when I see it.. Wouldn't you?
Do you think it matters to me that this forum is populated by people who are essentially clueless about the technical issues of structure and physics and so forth and simply parrot BS they read somewhere else? And things they can't explain or defend... but they sure can repeat...
I was laboring under the assumption that intelligent people are open minded and actually can think independently and do their own research at times... or at least hold back opinions about matters they are unqualified in... and I am not referring to degrees and licenses and so forth... but qualified by the breath and depth of the understanding of the subject matter being discussed. Asking questions often is at the level of a child... or it could be a more sophisticated question too.
The only person I've observed with any amount of inquisitiveness is Lauren... The rest seems to be towing a common set of beliefs and accusing ME of being an agent...even paid to spread disinformation. That is so preposterous it should be embarrassing.
You can bring a horse to water but you can't make her think.
This can be a waste of time... I agree.