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Poor Dear! Mad Max Mosley cries foul in free willie trap
For some while now I have been watching the continuing Max Mosley/F1 affair wondering what the heck is behind it.

Readers here will remember that FIA boss, Max Mosley, was filmed in flagrante delicto during his fun time with London hookers in a Nazi style sex romp that almost brought his ruin, professionally speaking (and imo was most likely a sting with that end in mind).

Afterall, how many serving members of Britain's MI5 are married to women who are professional prostitute's and who, more importantly, are caught on film in a high profile case? Anyone ever hear of security vetting.

The following provides the bare background:

Quote:From The Sunday Times
May 18, 2008
MI5 linked to Max Mosley sex scandal
David Leppard
An MI5 officer has been forced to resign after admitting that his wife was a prostitute who took part in a notorious “Nazi-style orgy” with Max Mosley, the Formula One racing chief.

The intelligence officer, who cannot be named for security reasons, left the service last month after it emerged that his wife was one of the five call girls who took part in the sadomasochistic sex session with Mosley.

Exposure of the lurid orgy led to calls for Mosley, the son of Sir Oswald Mosley, the wartime British fascist leader, to step down from his post as president of the FIA, the governing body of world motor sport.

In an extraordinary turn of events yesterday, MI5 was forced to deny through Whitehall channels that the orgy had been a “sting” that it had set up to discredit Mosley. “Any suggestion that the service was involved in setting up Mosley is total nonsense,” a senior Whitehall official said.

The official did disclose, however, that one of MI5’s officers had left the agency after his wife’s involvement as a call girl in the orgy became known. “I cannot talk about individual cases, but we do expect high standards of behaviour from all staff at all times, both professionally and privately,” the official said.

“In any case where a member of staff is believed to have fallen below those standards, action will be taken.”

The officer is understood to be in his forties and to have served in the military before joining MI5, where he was involved in surveillance operations.

The disclosure is a severe embarrassment to Jonathan Evans, director-general of MI5, who is understood to have informed Gordon Brown and Jacqui Smith, the home secretary, and assured them the agency was not involved in any sting.

Questions will now be asked about why the service’s vetting procedures failed to expose the secret, which could have made the officer vulnerable to blackmail.

Mosley, who is 68 and has been married since 1960, is one of the most powerful men in world sport. His father was a hate figure who led the British Union of Fascists in the 1930s and 1940s. His mother was the society beauty Diana Mitford, a great admirer of Adolf Hitler.

When the story broke, Mosley said he had been told by a source close to the security services that he had been targeted in a covert investigation of his private life “by a group specialising in such things for reasons and clients as yet unknown”.

The F1 boss’s five-hour sex session with the five call girls took place in an underground “torture chamber” in Chelsea, west London. The Oxford-educated former barrister is alleged to have re-enacted a concentration camp scene in which he played the role of both guard and inmate.

The session is alleged to have involved prostitutes dressed as German officers and camp inmates. It was secretly caught on video by one of the call girls, who used the name Mistress Abi. Sources said it was Abi’s husband who worked for MI5 and that she sold the story to the News of the World newspaper for an undisclosed sum. According to the paper, Mistress Abi wore a Luftwaffe uniform during the session and oversaw beatings of Mosley.

In the video Mosley can be seen standing naked as Abi ties him up with chains before ordering him to lie face down on the bed. Later she screams: “Face down! Did I say move? We don’t want you comfortable.”

Mosley was condemned by Jewish groups and leading figures in the motor racing world. He was snubbed by the crown prince of Bahrain, who told him not to attend the Bahrain Grand Prix last month.

Sir Jackie Stewart, the former world motor racing champion, said that Mosley’s position was “untenable”. The Monaco royal family, the Grimaldis, have made it clear that he is not welcome at next Sunday’s showpiece grand prix in the principality.

Mosley has been unapologetic and has claimed that he needs to stay on to fight the Nazi allegations in a libel action. He denied the orgy had any Nazi theme and said it was “harmless” and “completely legal”. Disclosure of the MI5 officer’s role appears to be his latest tactic in a desperate attempt to save his job. “This is an astonishing piece of information, which I will pass on to my legal advisers,” he said last night.

The News of the World denies there was any collusion between itself and the secret services.

MI5 employs 3,500 people in the fight against Al-Qaeda and hostile powers and prides itself on its discretion. It has been horrified to discover that an officer has become involved, even indirectly, in a high-profile sex scandal.

The service will have been forced to conduct a thorough review of the officer’s work and personal life to establish whether he has put any state secrets at risk.

Security sources say that in any case where an MI5 officer or a close family member is involved in prostitution there is a risk that their integrity — and hence national security — could be compromised.

One official said: “Clearly there would be a conflict there for any member of the service. Prostitutes by the very nature of their business will be connected to people who are probably in the criminal fraternity.”

An internal MI5 investigation is trying to establish whether the officer knew his wife was involved in prostitution and whether he was involved in her business affairs.

The matter is also being examined by the Quest security company, run by Lord Stevens of Kirkwhelpington, the former Metropolitan police commissioner who investigated the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Quest was already working for the FIA when it was asked to investigate the Mosley affair.

Mosley is facing a confidence vote in a secret ballot of the 220 members of the FIA assembly in Paris on June 3. He has written to the presidents of member clubs painting a doomsday scenario if he is forced out of office. He says he needs to stay at the helm of the Formula One governing body until October next year in the interests of the sport.

The suggestion of MI5 involvement in the Mosley scandal will bring back echoes of the role that the spy service had in monitoring his father. Documents released by the Public Records Office in 2002 showed how the intelligence agency had planted unnamed informants inside the British Union of Fascists. They reported on him until his arrest and detention in 1940.

But the sting (if that is what it was?) didn't work as it was intended apparently, because Mosley refused to resign and, instead, went on the offensive by suing (and winning) the News of the World for claiming that the sex orgy had a Nazi theme when it hadn't (the court ruled). I watched the video on the internet at the time and it certainly looked like a Nazi themed orgy to me. But Her Majesty's Justices have different viewing lenses to mine.

A year later, Mosley's son apparently takes (according to BBC TV news anyway) a "non-dependent" (not an addict in other words) drug overdose and dies:

Quote:Max Mosley's son dies of 'drug overdose'

Published Date: 07 May 2009
THE son of motorsport chief Max Mosley has been found dead after a suspected drug overdose. Detectives are now investigating whether Alexander Mosley's death was an accident or suicide.

The 39-year-old restaurateur and economist was found dead at his home in Notting Hill, west London, on Tuesday afternoon.

Sources close to the investigation said Alexander may have been taking recreational drugs at the property, in the same street in which former TV host Paula Yates was found dead in 2000.

Former Formula 1 boss Eddie Jordan – a friend of the family – said he was "devastated" and said Alexander was very close with his father.

Neighbours reported seeing Alexander return home with a friend just an hour before his death.

The Oxford graduate – whose grandfather was Oswald Mosley, former leader of the British Union of Fascists – was the co-founder of the fashionable Hereford Road, a restaurant near his home. His father attracted international notoriety when the News of the World published footage of him in an S&M orgy with prostitutes.

The 69-year-old, however, was awarded a record £60,000 in privacy damages against the paper last year over claims the orgy had a Nazi theme.

Jordan, the founder and former owner of the Jordan team said: "Max and Alexander particularly were very close. It's totally tragic, I'm devastated for them."

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "The coroner's office has been informed."

Meanwhile, other media claim that Alexander Mosley was a heroin addict:

Quote:Motor racing boss Max Mosley's son dies of suspected heroin overdose

By Jon Clements 7/05/2009

Motor racing boss Max Mosley was in mourning last night after his eldest son died in a suspected heroin overdose.

The body of economist Dr Alexander Mosley, 39, was found at his £1million home on Tuesday. The alarm was raised by a cleaner.

Alexander had fought a long battle with heroin addiction.

Last night Scotland Yard sources said it remained unclear if the death was accidental or suicide but they were treating it as “non-suspicious”.

Grieving father Max, 69, scrapped plans to attend the Spanish Grand Prix this weekend to be with his wife Jean and younger son Patrick, 37.

The tragedy is a fresh blow for the family after a Sunday newspaper last year revealed Mr Mosley – son of 1930s British fascist leader Oswald Mosley – enjoyed bondage and sado-masochistic sex.

Unmarried Alexander lived three doors from the mews house in Notting Hill, West London, where Paula Yates died from an overdose in 2000.

Neighbours saw two men arrive at 3pm and the alarm was raised at 4.10pm. One neighbour, retired psychologist Steve Abrams, 70, said:

“I saw Alex and another guy going to the flat about an hour before the police showed up.”

Another neighbour, who declined to be named, said Alexander had a serious drug habit but had also been clean for long periods. He added:

“I knew him. He was a troubled guy. He was too rich, too young. He obviously bought something and it was too strong and it killed him.”

Barrister Mr Mosley resisted intense pressure to resign as president of Formula 1 governing body the Federation Internationale de

l’Automobile over the story of his bondage romp.

He won a case against the newspaper which wrongly claimed the sex sessions had a Nazi theme.

In March Mr Mosley told MPs the episode was “appalling” for his sons.

He said: “Can you imagine seeing pictures like that of your father?”

Yesterday the FIA said: “We extend sincere condolences to the family.” Former F1 team boss Eddie Jordan said: “I’m devastated. As a parent it is the last thing you ever want to receive a call about.

One can only feel sadness for the loss of a son.

But one can also guess that there is more going on about the Max Mosley story than meets the eye. Perhaps if Max Mosley had resigned from the FIA last spring, his son would still be alive?

Am I just being suspicious and cynical when I say this? Well, actually no:

Quote:From The Times
June 27, 2008
Max Mosley was 'warned of plot against him'

FIA President Max Mosley arrives in pitlane before practice for the Monaco Formula One Grand Prix at the Monte Carlo Circuit
Edward Gorman, Motor Racing Correspondent
Max Mosley, the president of the FIA, was warned by Bernie Ecclestone two months before his private life was exposed in a Sunday newspaper that people had been hired to discredit him and that they had been given an “unlimited budget” to do so, according to an intelligence consultant.

Rather than being a party to a conspiracy to destroy his old friend, as Mosley's spokesman has hinted this week, The Times can reveal that Ecclestone did his best to tell Mosley that he was being targeted and was astonished and angry when it became obvious that Mosley had ignored the advice he was given.

Ecclestone discovered that there was a plot to bring down the FIA president through Dean Attew, a London-based business intelligence consultant who used to work for the Formula One rights-holder and has also advised Mosley. In an exclusive interview with The Times, Attew disclosed that he was contacted in the third week of January this year by someone representing people who wanted Mosley removed from office.

The approach came more than two months before the News of the World published its first revelations and a video showing Mosley taking part in a five-hour sadomasochistic bondage session with five prostitutes in a “torture dungeon” in Chelsea, West London, which included alleged Nazi prison camp role play.

Attew, a co-founder of Titon International, the corporate intelligence company, said: “In January this year I received a call from a friend. We had a meeting and I was approached and told there was an open budget to effectively go out and source material that would bring Max to his knees and, more importantly, remove him from office and discredit him publicly.

“During the conversation I said to the guy, 'What's your budget?' and he said, 'It's an open budget,' and I said, 'OK, be specific here, are you after Max, are you after the FIA or are you after Bernie?' They then went back and they came back a little while later and said, 'We are not going to pursue it for the time being.' The person contacted me because they knew of my relationship with Bernie but did not know of my relationship with Max. The reason they contacted me was to find out whether I had any loyalty to Max and whether I knew anything of value.”

Attew said that he considered the contact to be credible and he took the conversation seriously. Rather than assist the contact, Attew informed Ecclestone. “I sat down with Bernie and told him what I'd heard,” Attew said. “Bernie then told Max - I know this because Max later confirmed this to me. Because of the relationship I have with both of them, and Max knowing who I was, I assumed that the warning would be taken seriously.”

Attew recalls that at that stage Ecclestone doubted that Mosley had any secrets to hide and had no idea about Mosley's predilection for orgies with prostitutes. “When I sat down with Bernie I said to him, 'Is there anything anyone is going to find out about Max?'” Attew said. “And Bernie said, 'Dean, you are not going to find anything because there's nothing there - he's Mr Boring in that sense.' Mosley had kept this a good secret.”

Two days after the first story on the scandal had been published, Attew contacted Mosley after being asked to do so by Ecclestone, who, despite his anger at what had transpired, wanted Attew to give whatever assistance or advice he could to the FIA president. During this phone call, Attew says that Mosley admitted that he had received the warning from Ecclestone in January and that he had been warned by someone else, too. Attew also says that Mosley conveyed to him detailed personal information about his private life during that phone call, which Attew does not wish to disclose.

Attew, who heads Titon International in partnership with Major-General John Holmes, a former director of UK Special Forces, believes that Mosley or his spokesman could have disclosed these details in recent weeks, rather than leave speculation linking Ecclestone to the exposé to fester. It is for this reason that he has taken the unprecedented step of coming out of the shadows to set the record straight.

“I hear things about people suggesting Bernie was behind this, but that is ridiculous,” Attew said. “From the very first indication Bernie and I, with Max's knowledge, have tried to find out who was the source.”

Attew is also angry at the way Mosley ignored the advice that he was given. “It was very clear that Max had disregarded both the advice he had been given and had failed to realise his vulnerability at that stage,” Attew said. “The issue for me was his total disregard for genuine advice from individuals that he knew had his best interests at heart. When we saw what was in the News of the World, Bernie was as flabbergasted as I was.”

Attew was on Ecclestone's staff for four years until 2004 and had a desk at Ecclestone's London office, where he assisted with a wide variety of issues concerning Ecclestone's business and family affairs. Titon International was in the news two years ago when it emerged that Alexander Litvinenko, the murdered former KGB agent, had worked for the company as a consultant on Russian business. Litvinenko was poisoned with polonium-210, traces of which were found at Titon's offices, in Grosvenor Street, Mayfair.

And then there's this:

Quote:From The Times
June 24, 2008
Bernie Ecclestone denies exposing Max Mosley sex scandal

Edward Gorman, Motor Racing Correspondent
Bernie Ecclestone has taken the unprecedented step of issuing an denial that he or anyone associated with him was involved in the exposure of Max Mosley’s predilection for sado-masochistic sex with prostitutes.

In an interview with The Times, Ecclestone, the billionaire Formula One commercial rights holder, said he had no interest in “destroying” the embattled FIA president. The men have been close friends and business associates for more than 40 years, but their friendship is under severe strain after Mosley’s refusal to resign as result of the scandal.

“It is nothing in the world to do with me in any shape or form,” Ecclestone said at his London office. “Secondly, this sort of thing is not my style - not the sort of way I would operate. Thirdly, there is no way in the world that I would want to destroy Max. To suggest I would want to do that is such a lot of b****cks, quite frankly - it’s not true.”

Ecclestone said that the revelations about Mosley that appeared in the News of the World in late March, which included details of a five-hour bondage session with five prostitutes on video, may have been the work of “someone or somebody or ten bodies”. But Ecclestone denied any involvement and said that he had no idea who was behind it. “It’s nothing to do with me at all,” he said. “You must be joking.”

Ecclestone’s comments come after speculation in some sections of the media at the French Grand Prix in Magny-Cours at the weekend that he may have authorised an operation to discredit Mosley. The aim would have been to remove Mosley in advance of the battle now raging between the Mosley-led FIA and Ecclestone’s company for control of Formula One’s multimillion-pound revenues.

Rumours of this kind have swirled around the Formula One paddock from the start of the scandal and were fuelled when Mosley wrote to FIA club presidents two days after the revelations in the News of World, claiming that he was the victim of a “covert investigation” of his private life by a “group specialising in such things, for reasons and clients as yet unknown”. In recent weeks, sources close to Mosley have made no effort to discourage speculation that Ecclestone may have been involved in some way, although they have stopped short of naming him.

In any event, the Mosley camp believes that it has Ecclestone cornered as the “cold war” between the men continues. The FIA president’s supporters believe that Ecclestone is at a loss without his erstwhile friend to advise him and point out that, in the past, whenever Ecclestone had a problem, the first person he would turn to would be Mosley. Even Ecclestone admits that he and Mosley have not had a proper conversation since the scandal broke, but he laughed yesterday when it was put to him that he was missing Mosley’s “world-class political brain”.

“I’d hardly say what Max has been doing lately is world class or political,” he said. “In any case, most of the time it’s the other way round. He calls me for advice.”

The next round in the battle is a meeting of the FIA’s World Motor Sport Council in Paris tomorrow, when Mosley is planning to recommend that the FIA should not negotiate with Ecclestone until he agrees to a radical rethink on the way the sport’s revenues are shared. This would involve a huge loss for Ecclestone and much more money going to the teams. However, Ecclestone is adamant that Mosley and the FIA have no business interfering in the commercial side of the sport and he believes that the European Commission would intervene if the FIA tried to force his hand or meddle.

“I’m sure if that happened, the European Commission would move in,” he said. “Under the agreement with the European Commission, the FIA are the regulators of the sport - like the police - and Formula One Management [Ecclestone’s company] are the commercial rights holders. The money doesn’t belong to Max, it doesn’t belong to him to touch."

The moral of this story is, it would seem, don't try to fuck about with the vast revenue streams of FI.

Quote:The Formula One Group is a group of companies responsible for the promotion of the FIA Formula One World Championship and exploitation of the sport's commercial rights.[1] The Group is owned ultimately by Delta Topco, a Jersey–based company owned by CVC Capital Partners' funds (approximately 70%) and JPMorgan (approximately 20%). Bernie Ecclestone's family trust owns the remainder apart from small shares held by financial advisers and Ecclestone himself.[2]


Clearly then, Ecclestone with only a 10% holding in FI doesn't have the investment to be behind a coup, but he never-the-less does continue to "face" for and represent the money power behind FI:
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

Messages In This Thread
Poor Dear! Mad Max Mosley cries foul in free willie trap - by David Guyatt - 10-06-2009, 12:09 PM

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