08-10-2013, 08:34 PM
There's subtle things I notice because I have an eye for it because of this site and other sources. I noticed that when I accused Charles Cross of possibly being a CIA writer who wrote a fake book praising Hendrix just so he could enter pro-official story information in the less than one page he covers Jimi's death on there were suddenly just enough new reviews showing up to push my review to the second page. After my review got buried the new reviews stopped. It could be coincidence, but I prefer to think intel has programs to push dangerous information out of view.
I also notice in the You-Tube comments there are new innocent posters who show up with strange timing when good comments exposing conspiracy start gaining the upper hand. They almost always appear as decent American skeptics offering sincere doubt with the same-old recognizable McAdams scripted questions. I don't even offer the benefit of possible coincidence with these. The timing and pattern smells to high heaven.
I also notice in the You-Tube comments there are new innocent posters who show up with strange timing when good comments exposing conspiracy start gaining the upper hand. They almost always appear as decent American skeptics offering sincere doubt with the same-old recognizable McAdams scripted questions. I don't even offer the benefit of possible coincidence with these. The timing and pattern smells to high heaven.