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CIA attempts to topple Ahmadinejad at SCO Yekaterinburg summit
Here is a good example of what I mean by the general population considering themselves well informed on Iran through the medium of our MSM. Iain Dale is one of the top 3 political bloggers here in the UK. He would describe himself as 'libertarian centre-right'. He roots for Camerons Tory Party and his all-time political heroes are - wait for it - Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan !!!

In spite of that he is a genuinely nice, personable, sociable guy. Honest he is. I used to have quite a bit of contact with him through his blog comments but was forced to give it up as a waste of time. He is a consummate 'Westminster Village' insider; knows most of our middle-senior rank politicians personally and is privy to all the latest political tittle-tattle. Proud of his country; wants 'democracy' for everyone - at the point of a gun if necessary; heart bleeds for the downtrodden (but with the usual blindspots when it comes to Palestinians and almost any other repressed and disenfranchised indiginous people) - etc etc. He's not paid to have these opinions. He's not in hoc to covert forces pushing an agenda. He just genuinely believes - totally - in the USA/UK being a power for good in the world, struggling valiantly against the forces of evil and vilified for it by assorted 'leftists', anarchists, general uneducated rif-raf and of course the 'TERRORISTS'. I kid you not - a busy fool to put it at its most charitable in fact, but right up there among the mover and shakers in this country but totally blind to their real hidden agendas.

So, that being the case - and with him representing of much of intelligent upper middle-class opinion in this country - what the hell chance is there that the mass of western populations will EVER be anything but sufficiently compliant for the perennial Deep State to continue on its merry way promoting the polar opposite of what he honestly believes is going on?

More to the point; what can anyone do to reverse the near inevitability of it all?

Anyway - here is his latest blog offering on Iran. Do read it. It is childlike in its utter credulous naivity, but that is what we are up against:

Quote: Over the last week I have been perplexed, and a little appalled, at the response of both the British and American governments to what has been going on in Iran. Their attitude has been totally 'hands off' on the basis that they don't want to interfere in the internal affairs of another country. And yet Britain and the US are supposed to be beacons of democracy and free thought - countries who have been known for spreading the gospel of freedom all round the world.

[Image: reagan_thatcher.jpg]Think back to the early 1980s. Did Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan stand on one side when Solidarity was in its infancy? Did they think that uttering words of support might be damaging? No, not a bit of it. They recognised the importance of sending a clear signal that those who were fighting oppression and dictatorship were in their thoughts.

I thought of that when I listened to David Miliband's weasel words last week. And when Barack Obama couldn't bring himself to say what the leader of the free world should have said.

And then on Thursday David Cameron uttered the words I was expecting to hear from Obama: "The protesters should know this - we are on their side". Well, hallelujah.

At least one politician said what other were too weak to.
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn


Messages In This Thread
CIA attempts to topple Ahmadinejad at SCO Yekaterinburg summit - by Mark Stapleton - 18-06-2009, 12:56 AM
CIA attempts to topple Ahmadinejad at SCO Yekaterinburg summit - by Mark Stapleton - 21-06-2009, 01:19 PM
CIA attempts to topple Ahmadinejad at SCO Yekaterinburg summit - by Peter Presland - 22-06-2009, 10:09 AM

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