30-11-2013, 05:28 PM
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Albert you may have missed Jim's point here. regardless who dies, the MSM will remain the same on this issues.
The Orwellian power of the boob tube is being played like a machiavellian organ. I did notice a concentration of original voices for whom this might be the last anniversary. Priscilla McMillan, Aynesworth, and many other CIA-backed saboteurs who were put on the screen as narrators guiding the message of the program with no introduction whatsoever as to who they were and what role they played in undermining the case. It was so bad that there could be a real actionable case here of CBS and CNN violating media ethics to the degree of criminal fraud. The destruction of the Fairness Doctrine was played to maximum advantage. It's too bad someone can't take one of these programs, edit it, and add factualist commenters in a new production to interpret the deception being attempted in each part of these programs. The new program could be entitled "Assassination Experts Examine The Media Coverage Of The Conspiracy" or such. DiEugenio, for instance, could really do some intellectual martial arts to use their aggressive deception against them. Sort of like a "Here is who these people are, this is their true background, and this is what they are doing and how." The American government and media are really a rotten enterprise.
Vinny Bugliosi and another denier I can't remember looked like the mask of death on these programs. I think they are like Gollum in 'Lord Of The Rings'. Slowly losing their skin tone and appearance due to the shear level of evil they court.