01-12-2013, 12:18 AM
Martin Hay Wrote:Dawn,
I don't blame you for not wanting to get into a "pissing contest" with Wecht and MacDonnell. Losing is never fun.
I'm not trying to rile anyone here (please remember that Albert was the one who bought this Pitzer garbage up), but too many conspiracy theorists are too happy to believe any little story that confirms their beliefs regardless of what the evidence actually shows. And, I'm sorry, but the Pitzer suicide is a prime example. There is a hundred times more evidence that Oswald shot JFK than there is that Pitzer filmed the autopsy and was murdered because of it. And yet we all rightly question the validity of the evidence against Oswald. Why the hell so many people can't apply those same standards to conspiracy stories and witnesses is beyond me.
This is exactly why Harold Weisberg, being the intelligent man that he was, was so critical of the "conspiracy community".
If you know of any evidence that invalidates the opinions of Cyril Wecht and Herbert MacDonnell then please do let me know. Until then, I will not buy into the "Pitzer was murdered" fable.
Not to belabor this but the majority content of this is just recklessly-applied gratuitous doubt that conspicuously avoids the serious evidence that supports Dan Marvin and Dennis David's versions. I would like to point out that Martin calls Pitzer's death "The Pitzer suicide" and therefore flagrantly violates his own trumpeted objective, since he has even less evidence for that than we have of CIA murder. Much less. I consider this effort seriously misguided egotistical folly at the expense of one of the assassination's worst victims and also one of the assassination's best examples of CIA treachery. Frankly, I can't see how anyone who dared call himself an assassination critic would use such a cheap, uncurious, visibly opportunistic approach to deny a brave military insider's attempt to bring out the truth. Commander Pitzer's murder falls perfectly into place with other known CIA murders of witnesses without the slightest bump.