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Hamburg Germany trying out fascism again.
A Googlish translation which states that there was no attack on the police station which was one of the stated reasons for the (way over the top) police response.

Quote:'Stop' to David Guard: What is known so far

06 January 2014 22:55

In almost all media is the talk of it had been a planned and targeted attack of 30 to 40 masked people on the Davidwache in Hamburg on the last weekend of December. A display, which is increasingly questionable. The police corrected their own information - even indoors Committee of the Hamburg Parliament.

From Andrej Reisin and Patrick Gensing

The alleged attack on the Davidwache 28 December 2013 is cited as a key reason for the establishment of the danger area in Hamburg. Police said on 5 January with:

In recent weeks, police officers and police facilities were attacked repeatedly. These include in particular the attack on 12/12/2013 at the police station 16 and the two attacks from 20.12.2013 and 12.28.2013 on the Davidwache in which police officers were greatly injured.

In numerous media it became a 'stop' on the watch. For example, wrote the dpa still today 6 January 2014:

'Only on the last weekend of December, three policemen were severely injured in an attack on the Davidwache on the Reeperbahn. Investigators continue to look for a stranger who from close range severely injured an officer with a stone. '

Many journalists outlined a scenario in which a closed, muffled occurring group had deliberately targeted the police station and on schedule. Base was a first press release of the police, which stated:

At the time of the crime [around 23:00 clock] 30 to 40 wearing dark clothing, some chanting (including with St.Pauli scarves) masked people in chants of 'St.Pauli - shit bulls - Have you still not enough! When police officers then came out of the Davidwache, they were attacked on the corner of Reeperbahn / David Street from the group of people out selectively and abruptly with stone and bottle throwing.

If the Davidwache attacked? (Photo: Line)

Yesterday disagreed with the lawyer Andreas Beuth, the representation of the police and most of the media. An attack of 30 to 40 persons to the police station did not exist, so Beuth, who relies on witnesses who had turned to him, but wanted to remain anonymous for fear of prosecution. Was undisputed that a police officer was seriously injured by an object, but not before David Guard. However Beuth message left open many questions, talking with possible eye witnesses, he also rejected again today from.

Eyewitness describes other course - Police corrects itself

Another eyewitness reported also, of course things were different, as claimed by the police first. He had the events observed by chance, after he had come from a concert in a Reeperbahn club. He had a loose group of maximum 25 persons observed was neither masked nor as an organized group had occurred. It stated that there has been no stone or bottles litters immediately before Davidwache.

Rather, the group sang loudly football chants was, pulled past the guard, whereupon police had tried from the Davidwache to stop the group. Here, a member of the group had been brought to the ground in the middle of the Reeperbahn by a policeman. This has in turn drawn a purely verbal altercation after which can initially brought to the floor person had been but again 'allowed to run.' Only a short time later, the injured officer from the Hein-Hoyer-Strasse had come - and brought in the Davidwache.

The police also corrected now their own information, at least partially: The attack on three police officers had not taken place at the David Street, but about 200 meters away, at the corner Seilerstraße / Hein-Hoyer-Strasse, so police spokesman Mirko Streiber against the TAZ. This however, does not result in the ongoing investigation, they say. Video footage of the alleged 'attack' on the Davidwache does not exist according to the police, however, for reasons of data protection, surveillance cameras recorded the local no pictures.

Meeting in the Committee on Internal Affairs

The events of recent weeks were now also the subject of the Home Affairs Committee of the Hamburg Parliament. There, reported to the chief police officer, Peter Born, officials in the Davidwache were given the vociferous calls assumes a kind of spontaneous demonstration and had left the station without protective clothing - to the group of people at uncontrolled pulling to prevent. This version differs from the first published so far, as that is now emphasized that the officers ask themselves the group and wanted to control. This would, however - did not come, because even before the Davidwache a 'stone-and bottle hail' was descended on the official - according to Peter Born.

Chief of Police Kopitzsch said in committee, the attack on the Davidwache interested now also the federal prosecutor who was considering to take the investigation itself. This could be the chief federal prosecutor then do when he arrives at the conviction that they are offenses which are directed against the internal security of the Federal Republic - so-called national security offenses such as terrorism. A reporter of the transmitter FSK other hand, reported, Senator of the Interior Neumann was considering for the first time, that in the incident also happened to be passing coming pubs visitors might have been involved.

Despite unknown gunman: media attribution to 'Links Autonomous'

Ultimately, a complete reconstruction of the crime in connection with the events before and around the Davidwache 28 December 2013 probably will not be possible. A planned and targeted 'attack' on the Davidwache is doubtful even after the current status of investigations by police and prosecutors. The different versions put at least rather close to a spontaneous sequence of different events. It should not be forgotten that at least one perpetrator (even detect the prosecution for attempted manslaughter) is guilty of serious bodily harm.

That's why the exact course of events is not a minor issue. In addition, is justified by the supposedly organized approach and the large number of targeted attacks on police stations and other government institutions, the establishment of the highly controversial danger area - and this is likely also the reason for the possible takeover of the proceedings by the Federal Attorney General to be sought.

Become abundantly clear in any case once again how misleading a media campaign is based on a completely unquestioned press release from the police - and beyond even louder things invents, not even stand in that very message which - such as the localization the offender in the context of the flora - which according to the current status of investigations themselves according to the police is pure speculation. It is still not a single Tatbeteiligter determined.

See also: Were there no second attack on the Davidwache, Greetings from the Danger Zone, The agitators, # HH2112:? Police, the media and the violence escalation in the hill, Hamburg: Beyond Good and Evil, Lampedusa and the Hamburg SPD: Cui bono, Blockupy: researchers criticize police violence, beatings that shape? - As violence formed biographies for major events
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Hamburg Germany trying out fascism again. - by Magda Hassan - 07-01-2014, 06:18 AM

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