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Exposing the Dark Forces Behind the Snowden Smears
I think that this thread would benefit from the inclusion of at least 2 names that do not appear to have been mentioned to so far:

1. Sibel Edmonds. I personally rate her highly. She started her Deep politics education as a naive 2nd generation immigrant patriot who offered her language skills to the FBI in the wake of 9-11. She learned quickly. There's probably little need to rehearse her story here, other than to opine that she has insights into the realities of being a genuine whistleblower that lend her research and opinions on the subject particularly authoritative.

2. Pierre Omidyar. Billionaire joint-founder of Ebay and owner of Paypal. Not much to say other than, a billionaire does not become a genuine threat to the State and remain a live billionaire for long. If he knows what's good for him and his fortune he is soon co-opted into one or other - or many - branches of 'The Establishment'

So why do they need to be included in this thread? It's a complex story but can be summarised thus:

Edmonds has published a series of articles that raise serious questions about Greewald and his involvement in the Edward Snowden affair. They are not hit-pieces, they are thoughtful, well-researched and include serious questions that those who would put him on a pedestal need to address equally seriously. They include his relationship with Pierre Omidyar whose is financing Greewald's new publishing venture and whose companies have substantial financial (and therefore no doubt other) relationships with the NSA, no less.

For my money this is emphatically NOT a binary, black and white issue of Saint Greenwald -v- his wicked detractors; rather it is one of complex individuals, motivated by varying degrees of fame, fortune, greed, altruism etc etc - with the SIS's in their practiced role of stirring the pot, muddying the waters and generally blowing smoke in and around all the mirrors they control.

I have posted a series of articles about all this on Wikispooks linked from here, including Greenwalds latest apologia - cum - mia-culpa.
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn


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Exposing the Dark Forces Behind the Snowden Smears - by Peter Presland - 20-01-2014, 01:48 PM

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