29-06-2009, 01:14 AM
Peter wrote:
I think you are correct in stating that the conspirators have not left us. Or, they have been replaced by a younger generation. The beat goes on, and on .... The attainment of power, wealth, whatever, allows for crimes against humanity and individuals.
Quote:Yes, thanks Adele. This is a known, but understudied part of the overall coup and clean-up afterwards. I didn't know about Ann being threatened, but it makes perfect 'sense'. The thing that upsets me the most is that many Americans who think there was a conspiracy think that those who were behind it went away - or only did that one thing - or are not with us in some form today. I believe - no I am sure - what we face today is the very 'beast' that we faced on 11/22/63 and it has ony grown stronger in the time since. Rivera's words are very chilling and I agree most likely meaning Stockdale. They killed, by my count, about 2-400 persons to silence them and many thousands of others were threatened, or 'else'. But the whole country if not the world was overthrown and is still. Ann Stockdale's guess as to why her father was killed is likely correct - but only part of the answer IMO.
I think you are correct in stating that the conspirators have not left us. Or, they have been replaced by a younger generation. The beat goes on, and on .... The attainment of power, wealth, whatever, allows for crimes against humanity and individuals.