22-01-2014, 12:21 PM
The Beginning The Twitter Image In early January 2014, people gathered together to wait for the next signs of life from Cicada 3301. After several attempts to mislead solvers, eventually, a genuine message from cicada was found. On January 6th, the twitter used by cicada in 2013 was re-examined; after being in active for about a year, it featured a tweet linking to an image on imgur. In line with earlier rounds, this image contained a message, which can be recovered using the program outguess. Executing outguess -r zN4h51m.jpg zN4h51m_output on a linux machine returns this message. Unlike any previous attempts by the numerous distractors, the authenticity of this message was established by verifying its PGP signature. It contains a valid signature for the PGP key used by cicada in the past. The Book Cipher The message looked like a book cipher - and indeed, book ciphers have been used by cicada in the past. The community quickly found the book in question - Self-Reliance and Other Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson. To illustrate how to solve this, let us take the first line of the message: 1:2:3:1 This references the first paragaph of the text, the second sentence, of which the third word and finally the first letter. To make a long story short, this returns "always" - the first character is 'a'. Following this scheme (with the exception being the sole number "3" in the cipher referencing the third character, an l in the authors name) and appending the vertically spelled ".onion" to the result, we finally come up with this: auqgnxjtvdbll3pv.onion The resulting onion domain was quickly investigated. The First Onion This onion has since gone offline. The William Blake Collage The onion domain featured this image, which is a collage of at least one painting by William Blake. Following the usual procedure for investigating images, it was noticed that this image contains a message, again, extractable by outguess. This message in its entirety can be found here. The following is its content, omitting the PGP header and signature: e = 65537 n = 75579125746085351644267182920580212556413102071876330957950694457000592\ 10248050757270234679993673844203148013173091173786572116639 - -----BEGIN COMPRESSED RSA ENCRYPTED MESSAGE----- Version: 1.99 Scheme: Crypt::RSA::ES::OAEP eJwBswBM/zEwADE2MgBDeXBoZXJ0ZXh0LE2jxJS1EzMc80kOK+hra1GKnXgQKQgVitIy8NgA7kxn 2u8jNQDvlu0uymNNiu6XVCCn66axGH0IZ9w4Af3K/yRgjObsfA1Q7QqpXNALJ9FFPgYl5rh07cBP M9kbSH6DynU/5cYgQod2KymjWcIvKx3FkjV4UOGakDnBf1eQp1uwvn3KxDVwTyzPqbMnZvOA06Ec AfKtyz1hEK/UBXkeMeVrnV5SQQ== =yTUshDMKN65aPaKAR0OU8g== - -----END COMPRESSED RSA ENCRYPTED MESSAGE----- The message can be seperated into two parts. The first part, spanning the first 3 rows, declares two values, an N and an e. The next part, hugged by "BEGIN COMPRESSED RSA ENCRYPTED MESSAGE", contains information about an encryption scheme, also called a chiffre, as well as data encoded in base64. Base64 is a scheme to encode unprintable bytes into printable characters. The Scheme line tells us that the following message is encrypted using the cipher RSA. The next step was clear: decrypt the message. To do that, we needed something we didn't have: the private key. A brief explanation is in order. A Brief Overview of RSA RSA is a moderately complex cipher to understand; Numberphile provides a good introduction to the topic. Its main advantage is that, as a public key encryption scheme, it allows sharing of encryption keys without transmitting the key in plaintext or agreeing on a key in advance. Public key cryptography solves the problem of how two parties can communicate securely without a pre-existing secure channel of communication. In RSA, N and e are variables commonly used in the mathematical aspects of the cipher. In fact, they constitute the public key. The public and private keys are mathematically related. Without going too much into detail, they both are related to N. N is the product of two large primes, called p and q. If an attacker manages to factor N, which is publicly available, into its two prime factors p and q, then it becomes trivial to calculate the corresponding private key. In reality, factoring large integers that have only two prime factors is a computationally hard problem . In RSA, an N with 2048 or 4096 bits is typically used as the large size provides enough complexity to make the factorization of p and q computationally infeasible in the short term. Finding the Private Key (or, Brute Forcing RSA) To our luck, the N used to encrypt the message was far smaller than 2048 or 4096 bits. The N we were given was 432 bits (130 decimal digits) long. The solving community exhausted a lot of options in an attempt to find the private key. They searched for suspicious information in the data provided until that point, investigated images, brainstormed correlations, followed connections and so forth. As time went on and nothing was discovered, the solvers began to discuss the worst case scenario: finding p and q via brute computational force. After a while it was agreed that a parallelized approach would render the best results, as a breakthrough in finding the hidden data would not impede on factorizing the number and vice versa. So a small group of people banded together to think about the most effective way to share their computing power in order to factor N. It was decided that a distributed approach would be the only feasible option, since even a slightly less complex N than the ones used today is a lot of work for a single processor. Distributing the workload however could achieve results in way less time, and the community was eager to help. We quickly agreed on cado-nfs, a program that did everything we could ever ask for. To make a long story short: after about 8 hours of debugging, fixing, patching and testing as well as additional 9 hours of distributively working on the prime, the results were in: p = 97513779050322159297664671238670850085661086043266591739338007321 q = 77506098606928780021829964781695212837195959082370473820509360759 These individuals successfully brute forced a 432-bit RSA key. Make no mistake -- this is an incredible feat for a group of people spread across the world with consumer-grade hardware. At this point, the writer would like to take a moment to express their gratitude for the people participating in this effort. Without the people donating their time, efforts and resources, this would have taken a lot longer than originally anticipated. Also, a special thanks needs to go to the people who managed the servers, especially the one unnamed person who rented a server from Amazon to complete the last, locally computed phase of the calculation. With all words of thanks being said, let's continue. Putting The Private Key To Use Now that we have the information, we have to make something out of it. To make sure we do it right, it would be wise to simply do what cicada did to encrypt the message and reverse it. We also have a clue for this in the outguessed message. The line Scheme: Crypt::RSA::ES::OAEP contains a dead giveaway. The programming language Perl uses double colons to achieve modulization, therefore, we can safely conclude that Perl was used to encrypt this message. To, again, shorten a long story, a program to decrypt the message can be found here. The Second Onion This onion has since gone offline. The Growing String After the successful decryption of the RSA message, we had a single resource: cu343l33nqaekrnw.onion This is the address of a Tor Hidden Service. Upon visiting the service, the following document was displayed: <!--Patience is a virtue--> 634292ba49fe336edada779a34054a335c2ec12c8bbaed4b92dcc05efe98f76abffdc2389bdb9de2cf20c009acdc1945ab095a52609a5c219afd5f3b3edf10fcb25950666dfe8d8c433cd10c0b4c72efdfe12c6270d5cfde291f9cf0d73cb1211140136e4057380c963d70c76948d9cf6775960cf98fbafa435c44015c5959837a0f8d9f46e094f27c5797b7f8ab49bf28fa674d2ad2f726e197839956921dab29724cd48e1a81fc9bab3565f7513e3e368cd0327b47cf595afebb78d6b5bca92ba021cd6734f4362a0b341f359157173b53d49ea5dff5889d2c9de6b0d7e8c615286ce596bfa83f50b6eeabd153aaf50cd75f39929ba11fb0f8e8d611442846 The page appeared to be static. However, after some time, we noticed that the string was slowly growing. Every few minutes, two characters were appended to the end of the string. This process continued for approximately 23 hours. The time intervals between new bytes were found to be multiples of five. Various users recorded the minutes between updates, the time that they occurred, and the data appended at those times. http://pastebin.com/5bTLHqCN http://imgur.com/lTRRxTT http://pastebin.com/qn8jmPJr (GMT +1) http://i.imgur.com/prAeqPS.png The above datasets are most likely not complete, and no guarantee of accuracy is made. After 23 hours, the process stopped and no more characters/bytes were appended to the string. The final string was: 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 This string is 512 characters long. We assume it is hexadecimal. However, about an hour after the string finished growing, at approximately 05:31:40 GMT the document changed. The old 512-character code was gone, along with the HTML comment. In its place was the following document: https://infotomb.com/oyfhl.txt We link to it because it is very large. Note that the HTML comment was changed from <!--Patience is a virtue--> to <!--761--> This is significant. We noticed that, by applying the Gematrius Primus from the 2013 puzzle to the phrase 'Patience is a virtue' and summing the result, one obtains 761. The number is also a palindromic prime. The new string was 3641299 (?) characters long. We noticed that it contained a significant amount of repeated text. Analsysis of this new string revealed that it contained three JPEG image files. This was discovered when we: Converted the string into its binary representation Flipped all the bits (i.e. 0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0) [Note: this is equivalent to XOR 111111] Looking at that XOR'd binary string, we noticed that the first two bytes were 0xFF 0xD8 Wikipedia tells us that these are the first two bytes of a JPEG image. We walked through the data left to right, and later on in the string, we discovered the same byte sequence again. This indicated the presence of more than one JPEG image. We analysed the rest of the string in a similar fashion, and discovered a total of three JPEG images. The third JPEG image was in reverse order, and so had to be un-reversed. For further clarification, the order was this (.... = JPEG data, [ ] = one complete image): [0xFF 0xD8........................][0xFF 0xD8........................][........................0xD8 0xFF] After transforming the bytes into their proper JPEG format (note that you must reverse the byte sequence of the third image before doing this): dd if=onioninvert.bin of=onion1.jpg bs=1 skip=0 count=168876 dd if=onioninvert.bin of=onion2.jpg bs=1 skip=168876 count=1476614 dd if=onioninvert.bin of=onion3rev.jpg bs=1 skip=1645490 count=175159 we obtained the following three images: Liber primus Liber Primus Intus Intus Runes Runes Add a photo to this gallery Image Analysis Each of the images contain hidden messages and other information. These were found and analyzed simultaneously. As a result, this section does not proceed in chronological order. Intus outguess -r intus.jpg out.txt yields https://infotomb.com/esd78.txt Liber Primus outguess -r liber_primus.jpg out.txt yields https://infotomb.com/hb0ba.txt Runes outguess -r runes.jpg out.txt yields https://infotomb.com/vmtyf.txt Here we break to explain something: Below are two images. The first image is from 2013's puzzle and was obtained through use of XOR. It was used to solve portions of that year's puzzle. The second was created by puzzle solvers in 2014 and is derived from the first. Here we refer to 2013's image, which was released by Cicada 3301, as 'Gematria Primus 2013'. We refer to 2014's image as 'Gematria Primus 2014'. It is paramount to understand that 2013's image was created by Cicada 3301, while 2014's was created by puzzle solvers and was created from rearranging 2013's image. Gematria primus Gematria Primus 2013 Runes-warning Gematria Primus 2014 Add a photo to this gallery We now return to the puzzle. Using the Gematria Primus 2013, the runes in the 'Runes' image become: R NGRAMW JIHEIIAI MAEYW EAAAEN YEP JAEAED IXDISEO NGLREO THAEIA DMAENG EOAE JI EOAIAI EOIPEO YI D MAENGHICOEI EAEMC THAEIAA EOAIAY IX SIAEIMDI THAEIAA CFY CAE MAEEO ICEEO AE A DLRWI YEP JAEAED AEA YI NICCROEI DAEMEOREMIC NGEYEM IEYIA YI NGAE ACC AEA YIEA MIANJIAC EAAEA RHH E C CRDAIC This stumped us for some time. Then, someone created Gematria Primus 2014 by rearranging Gematria Primus 2013. From Gematria Primus 13, take the left block of three columns and stack it on top of the right block of three columns. Then, find the letter you wish to decode. Find the position of that letter in the vertical list, beginning at the top. Take that number and find the character that many characters into the list, from the bottom up. Applying this process to each letter/rune yields (newlines added for readability): A WARNING BELIEVE NOTHING FROM THIS BOOK EXCEPT WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE TRUE TEST THE KNOWLEDGE FIND YOUR TRUTH EXPERIENCE YOUR DEATH DO NOT EDIT OR CHANGE THIS BOOK OR THE MESSAGE CONTAINED WITHIN EITHER THE WORDS OR THEIR NUMBERS FOR ALL IS SACRED By substituting each character for its respective value in Gematria Primus 2013, we noticed that the sum of each line adds up to a prime (emirps marked by *): A WARNING BELIEVE NOTHING FROM THIS BOOK = 757* EXCEPT WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE TRUE = 1009* TEST THE KNOWLEDGE = 691 FIND YOUR TRUTH = 353* EXPERIENCE YOUR DEATH = 769* DO NOT EDIT OR CHANGE THIS BOOK = 911* OR THE MESSAGE CONTAINED WITHIN = 1051* EITHER THE WORDS OR THE NUMBERS = 859 FOR ALL IS SACRED = 677 The 5 Gram Message Shortly after the warning in the previous section was found, it was discovered that by XORing the hexadecimal messages hidden within each of the three images the following message resulted: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 IDGTK UMLOO ARWOE RTHIS UTETL HUTIA TSLLO UIMNI TELNJ 7TFYV OIUAU SNOCO 5JI4M EODZZ Good luck. 3301 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJSy23PAAoJEBgfAeV6NQkPeJwP/0IoafJ1SbmhD+KNbL5I2EdH jgPRnZNrKCyMpWFSIw1qs6ujuw6VnW/rfnOD+df4kpzoAwEFfZDcRnBVsvIzOJ31 Txj9jXD22ki/CNRY88NyIzW9fjKs+iOylsa7Tx+6PBb3ndoYNEwnQwLIq3K4S3kQ tgMzE3LiVq2pQwqFNdN+zGqcq7POEs0GmnL1aNpqU+Wrba4gSfoWwQBWUDv3S/s8 vY0hEqhWNd76wphig6hH6OyIaX/t1eYfcsSYhzAE5oKKahGr1E7cX1GBpHCIr1WM ZwNaGVArQAkyEzT++tmF01O9h218CiTUFoBM/Zxyra7vxI2UOYS/pLonuV+eXARY YfPHaZZxfk3bUWXcxioRukFSY2+xNdPfuBIT8rcJqa1kPJOzeZVC/IcwHA2mmG4l 3ltiVcDnQrZgz6Im3/ugFg8bqW12qqZ6XizRP3EXm4EnyhpfKZnXKPLEOvPKCj6j 1kYCrLmGtTTPFx79fZfryGXQIEAmipRbjVS5sVbUCfgmqUagmdU6v9VI53n6+r0J b2amxREA+2MflkEoVJUaLQJ1rKZLFFJ9J17zUaXKMllsDBWXJS4Mb54o2+8bkEcM 3cP+16XV9pf2wZBkJE0AwoXI4L8JEyjNZZcGSLy8BojlAupX3Fg9KKt71XXrm9FD tuBhMYWo/TDz+4UzLB+I =57tj -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- After some trial and error analysis, it was discovered that this ciphertext had been created using a simple column transposition cipher. By arranging the ciphertext into 14 columns like so: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I D G T K U M L O O A R W O E R T H I S U T E T L H U T I A T S L L O U I M N I T E L N J 7 T F Y V O I U A U S N O C O 5 J I 4 M E O D Z Z And reordering the columns like so: 2 8 9 1 12 13 11 4 5 7 3 0 6 10 G O O D W O R K U L T I M A T E T R U T H I S T H E U L T I M A T E I L L U S I O N J O I N U S A T F V 7 L Y U C M E O Z Z D 5 J 4 O N I O A message is obtained: GOOD WORK ULTIMATE TRUTH IS THE ULTIMATE ILLUSION JOIN US AT FV7LYUCMEOZZD5J4ONIO Assuming that the final N was omitted in order to fit the bounds of the column transposition cipher, and applying proper formatting, the following Tor hidden service address is obtained: fv7lyucmeozzd5j4.onion And off we went. The Third Onion This onion has since been taken offline. In this section the puzzle fractures into several directions. The author has chosen not to subdivide this section and instead opts for pure chronological formatting. Events in this section are detailed in the exact order they occurred. The first visitor to this hidden service was greeted with a blank page. The page remained blank for a short time and then changed to the following document: <!--1033--> 87de5b7fa2 As with the RSA onion, the string slowly grew over time, with two new characters (one byte) being added at widely varying intervals. Some timing data was collected for further analysis. In the meantime, a solver ran the tool DirBuster against the hidden service and discovered an apparent misconfiguration of the backend Apache server. The server was leaking a system status page. Whether this was intentional is unknown. However, shortly after the page was discovered, it appears that Cicada was alerted that the status page had been discovered because the content of that page changed. Appended to the end of the server status was yet another very long string. This string was found to contain two image files in a similar ordering as the RSA onion, except that there was some data between them (OOB or Out Of Bounds data): [0xFF 0xD8..............................] [Data in between JPGs] [..............................0xD8 0xFF] After building the first JPG from the hex: xxd -p -r < server-status.hex > server-status.jpg One obtains the image shown below on the left. Doing the same for the reversed copy of the second JPG yields the same image as the first, shown on the right -- except for that OOB data. Onion3 Onion 3 Image Onion3 Onion 3 Image 2 Add a photo to this gallery Comparing the first and second images cmp -l server-status.jpg rev.server-status.jpg one obtains the OOB data: a02373230202020202833313020202020213433302020202021333130202020202135313a06363 330202020202939313020202020203331302020202020323330202020202028313a06323230202 020202534323020202020202139302020202025343230202020202632323a08313020202020203 2333020202020203331302020202029393130202020202636333a0135313020202020213331302 02020202134333020202020283331302020202022373230a0a Note that all of these bytes are within the printable range of ASCII characters, and many of them appear to be ASCII for digits (e.g. 0x30, 0x39). Converting this string to binary: xxd -b oob.hex oob.bin and reversing that:: xxd -r oob.bin oob-rev.bin we obtain: 272 138 341 131 151 366 199 130 320 18 226 245 91 245 226 18 320 130 199 366 151 131 341 138 272 Among other things, this is a magic square whose magic number is -- you guessed it -- 1033. Magicsquare Add a photo to this gallery For those following along, here's a nice one-liner to get that matrix from the original image: dd if=server-status.jpg bs=1 skip=$((0x00521e4)) count=357 status=noxfer | rev | xxd -p -r With matrix and Gematria Primus 2014 in hand, we began to interpret the runes in the image. The runes in the upper half of the image read: SOME WISDOM THE PRIMES ARE SACRED THE TOTIENT FUNCTION IS SACRED ALL THINGS SHOULD BE ENCRYPTED In the bottom half of the image, the red runes read: KNOW THIS: The table underneath, translated to value form using Gematria Primus 2013, yields: 272 138 341 131 151 366 199 130 320 18 226 245 91 245 226 18 320 130 199 366 151 131 341 138 272 which is the exact same matrix found earlier from the OOB data. About a day went by with little activity other than speculation on the meaning of this matrix. Then the string from the main page stopped growing. According the the HTTP header, the final update occurred on January 11 at 01:09:01 GMT. The final document was: <!--1033--> 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 The final string was 512 characters (assuming hex, 256 bytes or equivalently 2048 bits). It was observed that this string matched the growing string from the previous onion. Author Note: Past this point recorded information becomes extremely difficult to understand due to an almost unbelievable amount of noobs discovering Uncovering Cicada, and we are unable to retrace these steps due to the pertinent onions being taken offline in quick succession. We have done our best to interpret and verify what we could, and while we present this information in good faith, we are simply unable to provide as firm a guarantee of accuracy as was present in the sections above. On January 11 at 10:07 UTC, the Apache server status page changed once again to display a new hexadecimal string: https://infotomb.com/laqs9.txt This string contained the following two images in the same style as before [0xFF 0xD8...............] [...............0xD8 0xFF] LiberPrimuspage5 LiberPrimusPage6 Add a photo to this gallery First Image Outguessing the first image yields a signed message: https://infotomb.com/t5uuz.txt The hex string from that message encodes a JPG image: OutguessfromLiberPrimusPage6 Add a photo to this gallery The runes in this image were solved later (read on). Translating the runes from the first image with Gematria Primus yields (Author's Note: we haven't verified this yet): uWGsSfc rSugpWW fwxtclW ym WS tcnF GmXXmmw FpdGXr oW Xmi ff euG SuF yp rF ipF cF Fnw bxmd rXi fpc SSFc rTp fjmo ScwX bFw bWls ry jF r mcTSFtcpw mgS cGpu Sc rew Xpi bybx flir rm cgb yr cfu TpXjwtfW jgb FTffWpT pfax jmepGsosm wSjl wxuT FwmT dyjc sXxoGrmbw rmi dyjc xhuypl jGymfjpSuX wSj dwxu alasmXSx Fm Xmi py Fmuf After some time with trial and error, it was discovered that this ciphertext had been created with a Vignere cipher. Reversing the cipher yields: WELCOME: WELCOME, PILGRIM TO THE GREAT JOURNEY TOWARD THE END OF ALL THINGS. IT IS NOT AN EASY TRIP, BUT FOR THOSE WHO FIND THEIR WAY HERE IT IS A NECESSARY ONE. ALONG THE WAY YOU WILL FIND AN END TO ALL STRUGGLE AND SUFFERING, YOUR INNOCENCE, YOUR ILLUSIONS, YOUR CERTAINTY, AND YOUR REALITY. ULTIMATELY, YOU WILL DISCOVER AN END TO SELF. Second Image Outguessing the second image yields garbage output. The runes on it translate to (Author's Note: we haven't verified this yet): my yS Fxrjse ewn djusxytetm Sry ds neFdX pbunWGjXF jgb pTx pnwwilmF lpbuoWX rXWf rrSjm rmi dyj hlfu juXlTW SjoSrrm umsc WS liFFcl wi lt peup WXpTtb tme ulole Sjp uW lcg WgsXtm bmrTfp wrj rxc G jWQ je ym dyjcFXuf pfa ccW r ujr ambp gpbunWGf nxe ygiWGumtcgWW jF bpwd fyx Fuf Sjp xlTWa lT cyuX ce lFSixTsFhF Tyflcer pfax rbe Fcbf After reversing the Vignere cipher: IT IS THROUGH THIS PILGRIMAGE THAT WE SHAPE OURSELVES AND OUR REALITIES. JOURNEY DEEP WITHIN AND YOU WILL ARRIVE OUTSIDE. LIKE THE INSTAR, IT IS ONLY THROUGH GOING WITHIN THAT WE MAY EMERGE: WISDOM: YOU ARE A BEING UNTO YOURSELF. YOU ARE A LAW UNTO YOURSELF. EACH INTELLIGENCE IS HOLY. FOR ALL THAT LIVES IS HOLY. The red footer of that page reads :AN INSTRUCTION: COMMAND YOUR OWN SELF : Back to the server page: Fourteen minutes after the status page update containing the two above images, on January 11 at 10:22 UTC the status page changed once again: https://infotomb.com/hw0l5.txt The first image from the previous update remained intact in the new string. However, the data of the second was replaced almost entirely with different hexademical. Attempting to render it as a JPG yields a corrupt and incomplete image. Outguessed Image Solved The runes in the small outguessed image obtained from the first new page were also encoded with a Vignere cipher. Using the key is 'welcome pilgrim to the' we obtained the Vignere offsets 22, 11, 9, 24, 26, 10, 11, 16, 19, 9, 23, 25, 19, 10, 13, 26, 27, 11 and using these offsets to decode the original runetext we obtained A U O W Y F X L 5 L C S F J 3 N O N IA N which formatted as a hidden service address yields avowyfgl5lkzfj3n.onion Lel Small image cleartext illustration Add a photo to this gallery The Fourth Onion This onion has since been taken offline. Upon visiting the fourth onion we were greeted with the following document: </head><body><!--3301--> 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 <hr> <address>Apache Server at Port 5243</address> </body> </html> This string is 512 characters (256 bytes).]2014 recruitment puzzles
The Beginning The Twitter Image In early January 2014, people gathered together to wait for the next signs of life from Cicada 3301. After several attempts to mislead solvers, eventually, a genuine message from cicada was found. On January 6th, the twitter used by cicada in 2013 was re-examined; after being in active for about a year, it featured a tweet linking to an image on imgur. In line with earlier rounds, this image contained a message, which can be recovered using the program outguess. Executing outguess -r zN4h51m.jpg zN4h51m_output on a linux machine returns this message. Unlike any previous attempts by the numerous distractors, the authenticity of this message was established by verifying its PGP signature. It contains a valid signature for the PGP key used by cicada in the past. The Book Cipher The message looked like a book cipher - and indeed, book ciphers have been used by cicada in the past. The community quickly found the book in question - Self-Reliance and Other Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson. To illustrate how to solve this, let us take the first line of the message: 1:2:3:1 This references the first paragaph of the text, the second sentence, of which the third word and finally the first letter. To make a long story short, this returns "always" - the first character is 'a'. Following this scheme (with the exception being the sole number "3" in the cipher referencing the third character, an l in the authors name) and appending the vertically spelled ".onion" to the result, we finally come up with this: auqgnxjtvdbll3pv.onion The resulting onion domain was quickly investigated. The First Onion This onion has since gone offline. The William Blake Collage The onion domain featured this image, which is a collage of at least one painting by William Blake. Following the usual procedure for investigating images, it was noticed that this image contains a message, again, extractable by outguess. This message in its entirety can be found here. The following is its content, omitting the PGP header and signature: e = 65537 n = 75579125746085351644267182920580212556413102071876330957950694457000592\ 10248050757270234679993673844203148013173091173786572116639 - -----BEGIN COMPRESSED RSA ENCRYPTED MESSAGE----- Version: 1.99 Scheme: Crypt::RSA::ES::OAEP eJwBswBM/zEwADE2MgBDeXBoZXJ0ZXh0LE2jxJS1EzMc80kOK+hra1GKnXgQKQgVitIy8NgA7kxn 2u8jNQDvlu0uymNNiu6XVCCn66axGH0IZ9w4Af3K/yRgjObsfA1Q7QqpXNALJ9FFPgYl5rh07cBP M9kbSH6DynU/5cYgQod2KymjWcIvKx3FkjV4UOGakDnBf1eQp1uwvn3KxDVwTyzPqbMnZvOA06Ec AfKtyz1hEK/UBXkeMeVrnV5SQQ== =yTUshDMKN65aPaKAR0OU8g== - -----END COMPRESSED RSA ENCRYPTED MESSAGE----- The message can be seperated into two parts. The first part, spanning the first 3 rows, declares two values, an N and an e. The next part, hugged by "BEGIN COMPRESSED RSA ENCRYPTED MESSAGE", contains information about an encryption scheme, also called a chiffre, as well as data encoded in base64. Base64 is a scheme to encode unprintable bytes into printable characters. The Scheme line tells us that the following message is encrypted using the cipher RSA. The next step was clear: decrypt the message. To do that, we needed something we didn't have: the private key. A brief explanation is in order. A Brief Overview of RSA RSA is a moderately complex cipher to understand; Numberphile provides a good introduction to the topic. Its main advantage is that, as a public key encryption scheme, it allows sharing of encryption keys without transmitting the key in plaintext or agreeing on a key in advance. Public key cryptography solves the problem of how two parties can communicate securely without a pre-existing secure channel of communication. In RSA, N and e are variables commonly used in the mathematical aspects of the cipher. In fact, they constitute the public key. The public and private keys are mathematically related. Without going too much into detail, they both are related to N. N is the product of two large primes, called p and q. If an attacker manages to factor N, which is publicly available, into its two prime factors p and q, then it becomes trivial to calculate the corresponding private key. In reality, factoring large integers that have only two prime factors is a computationally hard problem . In RSA, an N with 2048 or 4096 bits is typically used as the large size provides enough complexity to make the factorization of p and q computationally infeasible in the short term. Finding the Private Key (or, Brute Forcing RSA) To our luck, the N used to encrypt the message was far smaller than 2048 or 4096 bits. The N we were given was 432 bits (130 decimal digits) long. The solving community exhausted a lot of options in an attempt to find the private key. They searched for suspicious information in the data provided until that point, investigated images, brainstormed correlations, followed connections and so forth. As time went on and nothing was discovered, the solvers began to discuss the worst case scenario: finding p and q via brute computational force. After a while it was agreed that a parallelized approach would render the best results, as a breakthrough in finding the hidden data would not impede on factorizing the number and vice versa. So a small group of people banded together to think about the most effective way to share their computing power in order to factor N. It was decided that a distributed approach would be the only feasible option, since even a slightly less complex N than the ones used today is a lot of work for a single processor. Distributing the workload however could achieve results in way less time, and the community was eager to help. We quickly agreed on cado-nfs, a program that did everything we could ever ask for. To make a long story short: after about 8 hours of debugging, fixing, patching and testing as well as additional 9 hours of distributively working on the prime, the results were in: p = 97513779050322159297664671238670850085661086043266591739338007321 q = 77506098606928780021829964781695212837195959082370473820509360759 These individuals successfully brute forced a 432-bit RSA key. Make no mistake -- this is an incredible feat for a group of people spread across the world with consumer-grade hardware. At this point, the writer would like to take a moment to express their gratitude for the people participating in this effort. Without the people donating their time, efforts and resources, this would have taken a lot longer than originally anticipated. Also, a special thanks needs to go to the people who managed the servers, especially the one unnamed person who rented a server from Amazon to complete the last, locally computed phase of the calculation. With all words of thanks being said, let's continue. Putting The Private Key To Use Now that we have the information, we have to make something out of it. To make sure we do it right, it would be wise to simply do what cicada did to encrypt the message and reverse it. We also have a clue for this in the outguessed message. The line Scheme: Crypt::RSA::ES::OAEP contains a dead giveaway. The programming language Perl uses double colons to achieve modulization, therefore, we can safely conclude that Perl was used to encrypt this message. To, again, shorten a long story, a program to decrypt the message can be found here. The Second Onion This onion has since gone offline. The Growing String After the successful decryption of the RSA message, we had a single resource: cu343l33nqaekrnw.onion This is the address of a Tor Hidden Service. Upon visiting the service, the following document was displayed: <!--Patience is a virtue--> 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 The page appeared to be static. However, after some time, we noticed that the string was slowly growing. Every few minutes, two characters were appended to the end of the string. This process continued for approximately 23 hours. The time intervals between new bytes were found to be multiples of five. Various users recorded the minutes between updates, the time that they occurred, and the data appended at those times. http://pastebin.com/5bTLHqCN http://imgur.com/lTRRxTT http://pastebin.com/qn8jmPJr (GMT +1) http://i.imgur.com/prAeqPS.png The above datasets are most likely not complete, and no guarantee of accuracy is made. After 23 hours, the process stopped and no more characters/bytes were appended to the string. The final string was: 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 This string is 512 characters long. We assume it is hexadecimal. However, about an hour after the string finished growing, at approximately 05:31:40 GMT the document changed. The old 512-character code was gone, along with the HTML comment. In its place was the following document: https://infotomb.com/oyfhl.txt We link to it because it is very large. Note that the HTML comment was changed from <!--Patience is a virtue--> to <!--761--> This is significant. We noticed that, by applying the Gematrius Primus from the 2013 puzzle to the phrase 'Patience is a virtue' and summing the result, one obtains 761. The number is also a palindromic prime. The new string was 3641299 (?) characters long. We noticed that it contained a significant amount of repeated text. Analsysis of this new string revealed that it contained three JPEG image files. This was discovered when we: Converted the string into its binary representation Flipped all the bits (i.e. 0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0) [Note: this is equivalent to XOR 111111] Looking at that XOR'd binary string, we noticed that the first two bytes were 0xFF 0xD8 Wikipedia tells us that these are the first two bytes of a JPEG image. We walked through the data left to right, and later on in the string, we discovered the same byte sequence again. This indicated the presence of more than one JPEG image. We analysed the rest of the string in a similar fashion, and discovered a total of three JPEG images. The third JPEG image was in reverse order, and so had to be un-reversed. For further clarification, the order was this (.... = JPEG data, [ ] = one complete image): [0xFF 0xD8........................][0xFF 0xD8........................][........................0xD8 0xFF] After transforming the bytes into their proper JPEG format (note that you must reverse the byte sequence of the third image before doing this): dd if=onioninvert.bin of=onion1.jpg bs=1 skip=0 count=168876 dd if=onioninvert.bin of=onion2.jpg bs=1 skip=168876 count=1476614 dd if=onioninvert.bin of=onion3rev.jpg bs=1 skip=1645490 count=175159 we obtained the following three images: Liber primus Liber Primus Intus Intus Runes Runes Add a photo to this gallery Image Analysis Each of the images contain hidden messages and other information. These were found and analyzed simultaneously. As a result, this section does not proceed in chronological order. Intus outguess -r intus.jpg out.txt yields https://infotomb.com/esd78.txt Liber Primus outguess -r liber_primus.jpg out.txt yields https://infotomb.com/hb0ba.txt Runes outguess -r runes.jpg out.txt yields https://infotomb.com/vmtyf.txt Here we break to explain something: Below are two images. The first image is from 2013's puzzle and was obtained through use of XOR. It was used to solve portions of that year's puzzle. The second was created by puzzle solvers in 2014 and is derived from the first. Here we refer to 2013's image, which was released by Cicada 3301, as 'Gematria Primus 2013'. We refer to 2014's image as 'Gematria Primus 2014'. It is paramount to understand that 2013's image was created by Cicada 3301, while 2014's was created by puzzle solvers and was created from rearranging 2013's image. Gematria primus Gematria Primus 2013 Runes-warning Gematria Primus 2014 Add a photo to this gallery We now return to the puzzle. Using the Gematria Primus 2013, the runes in the 'Runes' image become: R NGRAMW JIHEIIAI MAEYW EAAAEN YEP JAEAED IXDISEO NGLREO THAEIA DMAENG EOAE JI EOAIAI EOIPEO YI D MAENGHICOEI EAEMC THAEIAA EOAIAY IX SIAEIMDI THAEIAA CFY CAE MAEEO ICEEO AE A DLRWI YEP JAEAED AEA YI NICCROEI DAEMEOREMIC NGEYEM IEYIA YI NGAE ACC AEA YIEA MIANJIAC EAAEA RHH E C CRDAIC This stumped us for some time. Then, someone created Gematria Primus 2014 by rearranging Gematria Primus 2013. From Gematria Primus 13, take the left block of three columns and stack it on top of the right block of three columns. Then, find the letter you wish to decode. Find the position of that letter in the vertical list, beginning at the top. Take that number and find the character that many characters into the list, from the bottom up. Applying this process to each letter/rune yields (newlines added for readability): A WARNING BELIEVE NOTHING FROM THIS BOOK EXCEPT WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE TRUE TEST THE KNOWLEDGE FIND YOUR TRUTH EXPERIENCE YOUR DEATH DO NOT EDIT OR CHANGE THIS BOOK OR THE MESSAGE CONTAINED WITHIN EITHER THE WORDS OR THEIR NUMBERS FOR ALL IS SACRED By substituting each character for its respective value in Gematria Primus 2013, we noticed that the sum of each line adds up to a prime (emirps marked by *): A WARNING BELIEVE NOTHING FROM THIS BOOK = 757* EXCEPT WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE TRUE = 1009* TEST THE KNOWLEDGE = 691 FIND YOUR TRUTH = 353* EXPERIENCE YOUR DEATH = 769* DO NOT EDIT OR CHANGE THIS BOOK = 911* OR THE MESSAGE CONTAINED WITHIN = 1051* EITHER THE WORDS OR THE NUMBERS = 859 FOR ALL IS SACRED = 677 The 5 Gram Message Shortly after the warning in the previous section was found, it was discovered that by XORing the hexadecimal messages hidden within each of the three images the following message resulted: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 IDGTK UMLOO ARWOE RTHIS UTETL HUTIA TSLLO UIMNI TELNJ 7TFYV OIUAU SNOCO 5JI4M EODZZ Good luck. 3301 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJSy23PAAoJEBgfAeV6NQkPeJwP/0IoafJ1SbmhD+KNbL5I2EdH jgPRnZNrKCyMpWFSIw1qs6ujuw6VnW/rfnOD+df4kpzoAwEFfZDcRnBVsvIzOJ31 Txj9jXD22ki/CNRY88NyIzW9fjKs+iOylsa7Tx+6PBb3ndoYNEwnQwLIq3K4S3kQ tgMzE3LiVq2pQwqFNdN+zGqcq7POEs0GmnL1aNpqU+Wrba4gSfoWwQBWUDv3S/s8 vY0hEqhWNd76wphig6hH6OyIaX/t1eYfcsSYhzAE5oKKahGr1E7cX1GBpHCIr1WM ZwNaGVArQAkyEzT++tmF01O9h218CiTUFoBM/Zxyra7vxI2UOYS/pLonuV+eXARY YfPHaZZxfk3bUWXcxioRukFSY2+xNdPfuBIT8rcJqa1kPJOzeZVC/IcwHA2mmG4l 3ltiVcDnQrZgz6Im3/ugFg8bqW12qqZ6XizRP3EXm4EnyhpfKZnXKPLEOvPKCj6j 1kYCrLmGtTTPFx79fZfryGXQIEAmipRbjVS5sVbUCfgmqUagmdU6v9VI53n6+r0J b2amxREA+2MflkEoVJUaLQJ1rKZLFFJ9J17zUaXKMllsDBWXJS4Mb54o2+8bkEcM 3cP+16XV9pf2wZBkJE0AwoXI4L8JEyjNZZcGSLy8BojlAupX3Fg9KKt71XXrm9FD tuBhMYWo/TDz+4UzLB+I =57tj -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- After some trial and error analysis, it was discovered that this ciphertext had been created using a simple column transposition cipher. By arranging the ciphertext into 14 columns like so: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I D G T K U M L O O A R W O E R T H I S U T E T L H U T I A T S L L O U I M N I T E L N J 7 T F Y V O I U A U S N O C O 5 J I 4 M E O D Z Z And reordering the columns like so: 2 8 9 1 12 13 11 4 5 7 3 0 6 10 G O O D W O R K U L T I M A T E T R U T H I S T H E U L T I M A T E I L L U S I O N J O I N U S A T F V 7 L Y U C M E O Z Z D 5 J 4 O N I O A message is obtained: GOOD WORK ULTIMATE TRUTH IS THE ULTIMATE ILLUSION JOIN US AT FV7LYUCMEOZZD5J4ONIO Assuming that the final N was omitted in order to fit the bounds of the column transposition cipher, and applying proper formatting, the following Tor hidden service address is obtained: fv7lyucmeozzd5j4.onion And off we went. The Third Onion This onion has since been taken offline. In this section the puzzle fractures into several directions. The author has chosen not to subdivide this section and instead opts for pure chronological formatting. Events in this section are detailed in the exact order they occurred. The first visitor to this hidden service was greeted with a blank page. The page remained blank for a short time and then changed to the following document: <!--1033--> 87de5b7fa2 As with the RSA onion, the string slowly grew over time, with two new characters (one byte) being added at widely varying intervals. Some timing data was collected for further analysis. In the meantime, a solver ran the tool DirBuster against the hidden service and discovered an apparent misconfiguration of the backend Apache server. The server was leaking a system status page. Whether this was intentional is unknown. However, shortly after the page was discovered, it appears that Cicada was alerted that the status page had been discovered because the content of that page changed. Appended to the end of the server status was yet another very long string. This string was found to contain two image files in a similar ordering as the RSA onion, except that there was some data between them (OOB or Out Of Bounds data): [0xFF 0xD8..............................] [Data in between JPGs] [..............................0xD8 0xFF] After building the first JPG from the hex: xxd -p -r < server-status.hex > server-status.jpg One obtains the image shown below on the left. Doing the same for the reversed copy of the second JPG yields the same image as the first, shown on the right -- except for that OOB data. Onion3 Onion 3 Image Onion3 Onion 3 Image 2 Add a photo to this gallery Comparing the first and second images cmp -l server-status.jpg rev.server-status.jpg one obtains the OOB data: a02373230202020202833313020202020213433302020202021333130202020202135313a06363 330202020202939313020202020203331302020202020323330202020202028313a06323230202 020202534323020202020202139302020202025343230202020202632323a08313020202020203 2333020202020203331302020202029393130202020202636333a0135313020202020213331302 02020202134333020202020283331302020202022373230a0a Note that all of these bytes are within the printable range of ASCII characters, and many of them appear to be ASCII for digits (e.g. 0x30, 0x39). Converting this string to binary: xxd -b oob.hex oob.bin and reversing that:: xxd -r oob.bin oob-rev.bin we obtain: 272 138 341 131 151 366 199 130 320 18 226 245 91 245 226 18 320 130 199 366 151 131 341 138 272 Among other things, this is a magic square whose magic number is -- you guessed it -- 1033. Magicsquare Add a photo to this gallery For those following along, here's a nice one-liner to get that matrix from the original image: dd if=server-status.jpg bs=1 skip=$((0x00521e4)) count=357 status=noxfer | rev | xxd -p -r With matrix and Gematria Primus 2014 in hand, we began to interpret the runes in the image. The runes in the upper half of the image read: SOME WISDOM THE PRIMES ARE SACRED THE TOTIENT FUNCTION IS SACRED ALL THINGS SHOULD BE ENCRYPTED In the bottom half of the image, the red runes read: KNOW THIS: The table underneath, translated to value form using Gematria Primus 2013, yields: 272 138 341 131 151 366 199 130 320 18 226 245 91 245 226 18 320 130 199 366 151 131 341 138 272 which is the exact same matrix found earlier from the OOB data. About a day went by with little activity other than speculation on the meaning of this matrix. Then the string from the main page stopped growing. According the the HTTP header, the final update occurred on January 11 at 01:09:01 GMT. The final document was: <!--1033--> 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 The final string was 512 characters (assuming hex, 256 bytes or equivalently 2048 bits). It was observed that this string matched the growing string from the previous onion. Author Note: Past this point recorded information becomes extremely difficult to understand due to an almost unbelievable amount of noobs discovering Uncovering Cicada, and we are unable to retrace these steps due to the pertinent onions being taken offline in quick succession. We have done our best to interpret and verify what we could, and while we present this information in good faith, we are simply unable to provide as firm a guarantee of accuracy as was present in the sections above. On January 11 at 10:07 UTC, the Apache server status page changed once again to display a new hexadecimal string: https://infotomb.com/laqs9.txt This string contained the following two images in the same style as before [0xFF 0xD8...............] [...............0xD8 0xFF] LiberPrimuspage5 LiberPrimusPage6 Add a photo to this gallery First Image Outguessing the first image yields a signed message: https://infotomb.com/t5uuz.txt The hex string from that message encodes a JPG image: OutguessfromLiberPrimusPage6 Add a photo to this gallery The runes in this image were solved later (read on). Translating the runes from the first image with Gematria Primus yields (Author's Note: we haven't verified this yet): uWGsSfc rSugpWW fwxtclW ym WS tcnF GmXXmmw FpdGXr oW Xmi ff euG SuF yp rF ipF cF Fnw bxmd rXi fpc SSFc rTp fjmo ScwX bFw bWls ry jF r mcTSFtcpw mgS cGpu Sc rew Xpi bybx flir rm cgb yr cfu TpXjwtfW jgb FTffWpT pfax jmepGsosm wSjl wxuT FwmT dyjc sXxoGrmbw rmi dyjc xhuypl jGymfjpSuX wSj dwxu alasmXSx Fm Xmi py Fmuf After some time with trial and error, it was discovered that this ciphertext had been created with a Vignere cipher. Reversing the cipher yields: WELCOME: WELCOME, PILGRIM TO THE GREAT JOURNEY TOWARD THE END OF ALL THINGS. IT IS NOT AN EASY TRIP, BUT FOR THOSE WHO FIND THEIR WAY HERE IT IS A NECESSARY ONE. ALONG THE WAY YOU WILL FIND AN END TO ALL STRUGGLE AND SUFFERING, YOUR INNOCENCE, YOUR ILLUSIONS, YOUR CERTAINTY, AND YOUR REALITY. ULTIMATELY, YOU WILL DISCOVER AN END TO SELF. Second Image Outguessing the second image yields garbage output. The runes on it translate to (Author's Note: we haven't verified this yet): my yS Fxrjse ewn djusxytetm Sry ds neFdX pbunWGjXF jgb pTx pnwwilmF lpbuoWX rXWf rrSjm rmi dyj hlfu juXlTW SjoSrrm umsc WS liFFcl wi lt peup WXpTtb tme ulole Sjp uW lcg WgsXtm bmrTfp wrj rxc G jWQ je ym dyjcFXuf pfa ccW r ujr ambp gpbunWGf nxe ygiWGumtcgWW jF bpwd fyx Fuf Sjp xlTWa lT cyuX ce lFSixTsFhF Tyflcer pfax rbe Fcbf After reversing the Vignere cipher: IT IS THROUGH THIS PILGRIMAGE THAT WE SHAPE OURSELVES AND OUR REALITIES. JOURNEY DEEP WITHIN AND YOU WILL ARRIVE OUTSIDE. LIKE THE INSTAR, IT IS ONLY THROUGH GOING WITHIN THAT WE MAY EMERGE: WISDOM: YOU ARE A BEING UNTO YOURSELF. YOU ARE A LAW UNTO YOURSELF. EACH INTELLIGENCE IS HOLY. FOR ALL THAT LIVES IS HOLY. The red footer of that page reads :AN INSTRUCTION: COMMAND YOUR OWN SELF : Back to the server page: Fourteen minutes after the status page update containing the two above images, on January 11 at 10:22 UTC the status page changed once again: https://infotomb.com/hw0l5.txt The first image from the previous update remained intact in the new string. However, the data of the second was replaced almost entirely with different hexademical. Attempting to render it as a JPG yields a corrupt and incomplete image. Outguessed Image Solved The runes in the small outguessed image obtained from the first new page were also encoded with a Vignere cipher. Using the key is 'welcome pilgrim to the' we obtained the Vignere offsets 22, 11, 9, 24, 26, 10, 11, 16, 19, 9, 23, 25, 19, 10, 13, 26, 27, 11 and using these offsets to decode the original runetext we obtained A U O W Y F X L 5 L C S F J 3 N O N IA N which formatted as a hidden service address yields avowyfgl5lkzfj3n.onion Lel Small image cleartext illustration Add a photo to this gallery The Fourth Onion This onion has since been taken offline. Upon visiting the fourth onion we were greeted with the following document: </head><body><!--3301--> 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 <hr> <address>Apache Server at Port 5243</address> </body> </html> This string is 512 characters (256 bytes).]2014 recruitment puzzles
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14