12-02-2014, 01:28 AM
David Guyatt Wrote:Lauren Johnson Wrote:Quote:This was a conversation I had with Catherine Austin Fitts, who had been told this by Nick Brady --- "the decision's been made, Catherine" were his words, as I recall. She was arguing for domestic jobs.
I had a discussion with a friend about globalization. He claims globalization is a natural process of capitalism. I was saying that it was engineered but could not back it up, and quoting CAF would not but much more than hearsay evidence.
David and anyone, has the process of how this decisions was made and implemented been documented here or anywhere? Do the free-trade agreements sum it up? Is there more to it like messing with the tax codes or other things I can't imagine?
A natural process of capitalism? Well, I suppose that inasmuch as capitalism being allowed to be wholly unregulated then the world being made into one exploitable, subservient market that is the desired outcome.
But let's look at reality here. As Tennyson said, nature is red in tooth and claw.
A "natural" process (outcome) of unregulated capitalism is organized crime: the global drugs traffic, sex trafficking, gun running, murdering competitors, the slave trade, selling fake medicines at inflated prices that don't actually work, selling diseased meat as food etc etc., and, of course, taking over the banking system to launder illegal proceeds and, ultimately, taking control of governments to make what is illegal legal.
These are the shadow traits. Natural, but wholly chaotic, destructive and de-civilizing.
On implementation, I vaguely remember that Chomsky discussed this in one of his books. As I recall, the setting was pre WWII (could even be WWI?) and the idea was to shift industry eastwards and use all the very cheap labour there ( an early version of moving "south"). This could've been Chomsky's What Uncle Sam Always Wanted and or World Orders Old & New.
Thanks, David. As always, illuminating.
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