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Education Forum closing yet again...

I've spent the last few days discussing with Pat Speer his contention that the Bethesda Autopsy Evidence directly reflects the condition of JFK in Dallas

That nothing, I repeat, NOTHING was done to JFK's head between Dallas and the volume of Medical Evidence we have before us.

He refuses to address the 6:40 thru 8pm timeframe and offers THIS to the Ed Forum readers:

"Humes peeled back the scalp and the skull at the back of the head fell to the table.
The x-rays shows that the top and back of the head were fractured and likely to fall to the table once the scalp was peeled back.
There is no real contradiction between the report and what the witnesses remembered. The pictures didn't always reflect what the witnesses remembered, as is expected in all cases where witnesses are grilled on something that happened years and sometimes decades before.
But the majority of the witnesses signed off on the authenticity of the photos and x-rays once shown the originals.


You still refuse to appreciate one of the most basic aspects of the medical evidence, David. The "official" story is that Humes reflected the scalp early in the autopsy, before Finck's arrival, and that when he did so the shattered right side of the skull, including the back of the head, fell to pieces. Humes then removed Kennedy's brain, which came out rather easily due to the dura's being torn at the top, and (possibly) some damage being done to the brain stem. It follows from this that for the vast majority of the autopsy, there was a gaping hole on Kennedy's head.

THIS is the state of "quality research" presented about JFK at this point in time? We are talking AUTOPSY EVIDENCE in a thread called: "Did the autopsy doctors think the fatal bullet exited the back of the head?" what do you suppose his conclusion is?

An intact left side, intact left brain which simply FALLS OUT OF HIS HEAD... just extend the EXISTING LACERATIONS that form a craniotomy, and lo-and-behold, nothing is holding the LEFT SIDE of the scalp to the skull or skull to the brain...

and we're just supposed to sit there and nod approvals? or be called TROLLS for callin him out on it?

When a "respected researcher" cannot even address the simplist of question regarding their work...
Can ignore any and all the evidence offered
and just dismiss and change subjects.... we have a name for that, don't we?

There is a remarkable group of very serious people who have amazingly good discussion at Ed Forum... and it's been MUCH MORE CIVIL since the reopening, so I must not be privy to these ongoing attacks being discussed.

But to expect us not to challenge the accepted conclusions of "accepted" researchers is crazy.
Charles would have been all over this like white on rice... and thankfully so. I picked up his mission yet do it with evidence, example and illustration...

Promoting that the WCR autopsy evidence is an authentic representation of what occurred in Dallas, and then to offer this conclusion in the face of the evidence of a frontal shot blowing out the right rear of his head is simply a direct insult to JFK, his memory, everyone who understands the truth and to all of us here... but since Pat Speer says it, it must be true, cannot be challenged and those that do ought to be scolded?
Sound or Shot #4.Approximate firing time: Zapruder frame 320-327.
Missed or possibly not even a shot. Quite possibly a loud firecracker used as a diversionary device.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Messages In This Thread
Education Forum closing yet again... - by David Josephs - 21-02-2014, 12:46 AM

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