26-02-2014, 11:58 AM
It seemed premature to take a lot of questions about a book in progress. Now I'm working on
a description of the lead characters. Here's a timeline for many of the key events. I'm agnostic
about whether Oswald went to Mexico City, and convinced that an imposter made the
calls attributed to him on Sept. 28 and Oct. 1. All questions welcome.
State Secret timeline...
November 1962 Harvey is told that he is being transferred from Cuban operations
January 1963 Harvey suggests trying to recruit Cuban consul Eusebio Azcue
July SAS chief Des FitzGerald is extremely interested in recruiting Azcue
August Mexico City chief Win Scott agrees to try to recruit Azcue
September 10 - FBI agent Hosty reports Oswald has FPCC card and subscribes to CPUSA newspaper
September 13 Scott suggests using two agents in a compartmented 1-2 punch
September 16 SAS officer Tilton suggests deceptive op to embarrass the FPCC
September 17 Oswald receives a visa to go to Mexico City for fifteen days
September 19 Azcue recruitment fails "let's wait for further developments"
September 23 Lechuga and Attwood discuss Castro-JFK rapproachment
September 25 - Harvey's pal Will Potocki receives Hosty's Sept 10 memo about Oswald
September 26 Anderson: Fabricated evidence OK, if not initiated by CIA
September 27 Oswald shows FPCC and CPUSA cards during 3 visits to Cuban consulate
September 28 Call from Duran and Oswald at Cuban consulate to Soviet consulate
September 30 David Phillips leaves for CIA HQ in DC
October 1 Oswald identifies self by name in call to Soviet consulate
October 1 or 2 Tarasoff identifies "Lee Oswald" as caller on the 28[SUP]th[/SUP] and 1[SUP]st[/SUP]
October 2 Actual date of visit by "mystery man" to Soviet consulate, not Oct 1
Early October Three CIA memos express concern that FBI/MC is penetrated
October 8 Goodpasture dictates a memo linking Oct 1 call to Mystery Man
October 9 Gheesling & Anderson take Oswald off the FBI security watchlist
October 10 CIA HQ conducts molehunt aimed at SAS/JMWAVE, FBI, Mexico City
Mid-October - Goodpasture claims this is when Tarasoff linked the two calls
November 22 - CI/SIG chief says only CIA information on Oswald comes from FBI and State
November 23 - FBI Dallas agents say that the tape of Oswald doesn't match his voice
November 23 - Hoover tells LBJ that there were two different men in Mexico City
a description of the lead characters. Here's a timeline for many of the key events. I'm agnostic
about whether Oswald went to Mexico City, and convinced that an imposter made the
calls attributed to him on Sept. 28 and Oct. 1. All questions welcome.
State Secret timeline...
November 1962 Harvey is told that he is being transferred from Cuban operations
January 1963 Harvey suggests trying to recruit Cuban consul Eusebio Azcue
July SAS chief Des FitzGerald is extremely interested in recruiting Azcue
August Mexico City chief Win Scott agrees to try to recruit Azcue
September 10 - FBI agent Hosty reports Oswald has FPCC card and subscribes to CPUSA newspaper
September 13 Scott suggests using two agents in a compartmented 1-2 punch
September 16 SAS officer Tilton suggests deceptive op to embarrass the FPCC
September 17 Oswald receives a visa to go to Mexico City for fifteen days
September 19 Azcue recruitment fails "let's wait for further developments"
September 23 Lechuga and Attwood discuss Castro-JFK rapproachment
September 25 - Harvey's pal Will Potocki receives Hosty's Sept 10 memo about Oswald
September 26 Anderson: Fabricated evidence OK, if not initiated by CIA
September 27 Oswald shows FPCC and CPUSA cards during 3 visits to Cuban consulate
September 28 Call from Duran and Oswald at Cuban consulate to Soviet consulate
September 30 David Phillips leaves for CIA HQ in DC
October 1 Oswald identifies self by name in call to Soviet consulate
October 1 or 2 Tarasoff identifies "Lee Oswald" as caller on the 28[SUP]th[/SUP] and 1[SUP]st[/SUP]
October 2 Actual date of visit by "mystery man" to Soviet consulate, not Oct 1
Early October Three CIA memos express concern that FBI/MC is penetrated
October 8 Goodpasture dictates a memo linking Oct 1 call to Mystery Man
October 9 Gheesling & Anderson take Oswald off the FBI security watchlist
October 10 CIA HQ conducts molehunt aimed at SAS/JMWAVE, FBI, Mexico City
Mid-October - Goodpasture claims this is when Tarasoff linked the two calls
November 22 - CI/SIG chief says only CIA information on Oswald comes from FBI and State
November 23 - FBI Dallas agents say that the tape of Oswald doesn't match his voice
November 23 - Hoover tells LBJ that there were two different men in Mexico City
Alan Dale Wrote:^ Thanks for responding, fellas. Glad to know somebody noticed.
Bill has just added an organizational chart for use in reading, and understanding, State Secret.
Here's a direct link which includes Bill's corresponding links to MFF:
Valuable primer for all who care to invest the necessary time.
My 1 hour, 17 minute conversation with Bill may be heard here: