26-02-2014, 08:08 PM
Bill Simpich Wrote:It seemed premature to take a lot of questions about a book in progress. Now I'm working on
a description of the lead characters. Here's a timeline for many of the key events. I'm agnostic
about whether Oswald went to Mexico City, and convinced that an imposter made the
calls attributed to him on Sept. 28 and Oct. 1. All questions welcome.
HI, Bill. Thanks for making all this research so freely available.
One of the things creating doubt about the official Mexico City saga, as eventually dribbled out to us, was the Agency's inability--or refusal--to produce a photo of anyone looking remotely like the fellow shot dead by Jack Ruby. Somewhere in your book you mention that at one of the embassies, the Cuban Consulate if memory serves, CIA technicians were changing cameras or something on the day LHO supposedly visited and therefore missed getting his mug shot. What luck! Do you believe that explanation?
My understanding of the the surveillance at both the Soviet and Cuban installations was that there was a pulse camera system as well as one or more backup systems. It always has seemed to me that government agencies like the CIA are nothing if not thorough, and I just can't believe the excuses for failing to get photos or keep audio recordings of the elusive LHO. Why doesn't the dog sometimes eat someone else's homework?
Thanks again.