27-02-2014, 09:02 PM
Albert Doyle Wrote:[quote=Cliff Varnell]
How many times was JFK shot in the head?
If you think about it
I don't waste much time thinking about it, no thanks.
the correct answer is "As many times as they needed to do a pre-autopsy to cover it up". Cliff, don't fall for the Von Pein, Amazon book review troll demand for perfect evidence.
I have no idea what you're talking about, Albert. The evidence of conspiracy is absolutely perfect -- the bullet holes in the clothes are too low to have been associated with the throat wound.
Albert, turn your head to the right, glance down upon the shirt fabric on your right shoulder-line, and slowly raise your right hand and wave, as if JFK waving on Elm St.
Observe the fabric of your shirt INDENT. This is the opposite action of the shirt required by the SBT, which therefore stands debunked.
See how easy that is, Albert?
I keep telling people once you have reasonable evidence of government malfeasance the standard for evidence drops significantly in your favor.
Rubbish. The evidence of government malfeasance is obvious, has been for 50 years, and requires no "experts" to make a case for conspiracy any "vegetable" (as Vincent Salandria put it) could figure out with a mere glance at the location of the bullet holes in the clothes.
You then have to come up with a lot less evidence to make your case. You no longer have to worry about it, the government criminals who murdered Kennedy do.
The bullet holes in the clothes are too low to have been associated with the throat wound.
How much simpler can you get?
All this crap about the head wounds is nothing but busy work to distract from the more telling back and throat wounds.