01-03-2014, 06:41 PM
Jim Hargrove Wrote:Bill I really enjoyed your talk at COPA and look very forward to reading your book. Thank you for making it available here.Bill Simpich Wrote:Jim, the book lays out in Chapter 5 that I think someone inside the Agency did the set-up - David Morales or someone a lot like him, probably from the Miami station. That's where the dissension against JFK appeared to be the strongest.
Morales and his buddies were highly skilled in counter-intelligence. They would have had no problem manipulating Oswald - wittingly or unwittingly - into doing pretty much whatever they wanted.
Oh, yeah. Thanks. Boy, we're REALLY making headway into understanding the basics of what happened in this case, and the news media is as silent and dismissive as ever, as far as I've seen. It seems as if it will take some sort of official mea culpa from the CIA before many of them will be forced to take notice, and that will probably never come.
Maybe it's all a case of perception, though. My brother works for what's left of a small news service in D.C. and he visited us last Thanksgiving. When we started talking about the assassination, he asked if I'd watched any of the network coverage and I said I didn't because it was all bs. He said something like, "Are you kidding. It was all conspiracy oriented, with a suspicion that the CIA was involved." I asked if he was living in this country the last few weeks of November, and he mentioned that media consultant from Texas (Gary Mack's friend, but I can't remember his name) who said he could debunk every "conspiracy theory" except that the CIA did it. Sheesh.
Thanks again for this book! Obviously, I can learn some more by going through it again, and I'll try to do that.
For some of us who work full time reading online books is something that must be "added into" an already busy schedule. At the moment I am re-reading Harvey and Lee and taking notes.
I have decided only one book at a time on this subject. Promise yours will be next.