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Bernie Sanders May Run For President! He Can't Win, But Will Bring In New Issues!
I don't think on must assume Sanders is being led by the nose by anyone. Of course it is possible, but I don't see that evidence and I don't see why one has to make that jump. I'm sure he knows he can't win or even make a good showing [one in a million shot] - unless the American People wake up [unlikely]; however, just as Nader ran four times [without, I believe, being led or pushed by anyone] just to bring in certain ideas into the 'ring' - Sanders may be trying to do the same. Were he to make a good showing and then be shot or have an 'accident' near the Convention times, it might well wake up the sleeping/propagandized Americans. Here is a list of third party candidates running for President:
Third Party Presidential Candidates
[TD]Party or Parties[/TD]
[TD]William Wirt[/TD]
[TD]James G. Birney[/TD]
[TD]1840, 1844[/TD]
[TD]Martin Van Buren[/TD]
[TD]Free Soil[/TD]
[TD]John Hale[/TD]
[TD]Free Soil[/TD]
[TD]Millard Fillmore[/TD]
[TD]American (Know-Nothing)[/TD]
[TD]John C. Breckinridge[/TD]
[TD]Southern Democratic[/TD]
[TD]John Bell[/TD]
[TD]Constitutional Union[/TD]
[TD]Victoria Woodhull[/TD]
[TD]Equal Rights[/TD]
[TD]James B. Weaver[/TD]
[TD]Greenback, Populist (People's)[/TD]
[TD]1880, 1892[/TD]
[TD]Benjamin Butler[/TD]
[TD]Clinton B. Fisk[/TD]
[TD]Alson J. Streeter[/TD]
[TD]Union Labor[/TD]
[TD]John Bidwell[/TD]
[TD]Eugene V. Debs[/TD]
[TD]1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, 1920[/TD]
[TD]John Woolley[/TD]
[TD]Silas Swallow[/TD]
[TD]Thomas Watson[/TD]
[TD]1904, 1908[/TD]
[TD]Eugene Chafin[/TD]
[TD]1908, 1912[/TD]
[TD]Arthur Reimer[/TD]
[TD]Socialist Labor[/TD]
[TD]1912, 1916[/TD]
[TD]Theodore Roosevelt[/TD]
[TD]Progressive (Bull Moose)[/TD]
[TD]Allan L. Benson[/TD]
[TD]J. Frank Hanly[/TD]
[TD]William Z. Foster[/TD]
[TD]1924, 1928, 1932[/TD]
[TD]Robert LaFollette[/TD]
[TD]Progressive, Socialist[/TD]
[TD]Norman Thomas[/TD]
[TD]1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948[/TD]
[TD]Verne Reynolds[/TD]
[TD]Socialist Labor[/TD]
[TD]1928, 1932[/TD]
[TD]John Aiken[/TD]
[TD]Socialist Labor[/TD]
[TD]1936, 1940[/TD]
[TD]Earl Browder[/TD]
[TD]1936, 1940[/TD]
[TD]William Lemke[/TD]
[TD]Claude Watson[/TD]
[TD]1944, 1948[/TD]
[TD]Edward Teichert[/TD]
[TD]Socialist Labor[/TD]
[TD]1944, 1948[/TD]
[TD]Farrell Dobbs[/TD]
[TD]Socialist Workers[/TD]
[TD]1948, 1952, 1956, 1960[/TD]
[TD]Henry A. Wallace[/TD]
[TD]Strom Thurmond[/TD]
[TD]States Rights[/TD]
[TD]Eric Hass[/TD]
[TD]Socialist Labor[/TD]
[TD]1952, 1956, 1960, 1964[/TD]
[TD]Henry Krajewski[/TD]
[TD]Poor Man's, American Third[/TD]
[TD]1952, 1956[/TD]
[TD]Darlington Hoopes[/TD]
[TD]1952, 1956[/TD]
[TD]Douglas MacArthur[/TD]
[TD]Constitution, America First[/TD]
[TD]E. Harold Munn[/TD]
[TD]1964, 1968, 1972[/TD]
[TD]Eugene McCarthy[/TD]
[TD]Independent, Consumers[/TD]
[TD]1968, 1976, 1988[/TD]
[TD]George Wallace[/TD]
[TD]American Independent[/TD]
[TD]Dick Gregory[/TD]
[TD]Freedom and Peace[/TD]
[TD]Eldridge Cleaver[/TD]
[TD]Peace and Freedom[/TD]
[TD]Gus Hall[/TD]
[TD]1972, 1976, 1980, 1984[/TD]
[TD]John Schmitz[/TD]
[TD]American Independent[/TD]
[TD]Benjamin Spock[/TD]
[TD]John Hospers[/TD]
[TD]Lyndon LaRouche[/TD]
[TD]US Labor, National Economic Recovery, Independent[/TD]
[TD]1976, 1984, 1988, 1992[/TD]
[TD]Ben Bubar[/TD]
[TD]1976, 1980[/TD]
[TD]Lester Maddox[/TD]
[TD]American Independent[/TD]
[TD]John Anderson[/TD]
[TD]Ed Clark[/TD]
[TD]David McReynolds[/TD]
[TD]1980, 2000[/TD]
[TD]Earl Dodge[/TD]
[TD]1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004[/TD]
[TD]Delmar Dennis[/TD]
[TD]1984, 1988[/TD]
[TD]Ed Winn[/TD]
[TD]Workers League[/TD]
[TD]1984, 1988[/TD]
[TD]Larry Holmes[/TD]
[TD]Workers World[/TD]
[TD]1984, 1988[/TD]
[TD]Ron Paul[/TD]
[TD]Libertarian (1988), Various and Write-In (2008)[/TD]
[TD]1988, 2008[/TD]
[TD]Lenora Fulani[/TD]
[TD]New Alliance[/TD]
[TD]1988, 1992[/TD]
[TD]James Warren[/TD]
[TD]Socialist Workers[/TD]
[TD]1988, 1992[/TD]
[TD]Jack Herer[/TD]
[TD]1988, 1992[/TD]
[TD]John Hagelin[/TD]
[TD]Natural Law[/TD]
[TD]1992, 1996, 2000[/TD]
[TD]Howard Phillips[/TD]
[TD]U.S. Taxpayers, Constitution[/TD]
[TD]1992, 1996, 2000[/TD]
[TD]Andre Marrou[/TD]
[TD]Ross Perot[/TD]
[TD]Independent, Reform[/TD]
[TD]1992, 1996[/TD]
[TD]Isabell Masters[/TD]
[TD]Looking Back[/TD]
[TD]1992, 1996[/TD]
[TD]Ralph Nader[/TD]
[TD]Green, Reform, Independent[/TD]
[TD]1996, 2000, 2004, 2008[/TD]
[TD]Harry Browne[/TD]
[TD]1996, 2000[/TD]
[TD]James Harris[/TD]
[TD]Socialist Workers[/TD]
[TD]1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012[/TD]
[TD]Monica Moorehead[/TD]
[TD]Workers World[/TD]
[TD]1996, 2000[/TD]
[TD]Pat Buchanan[/TD]
[TD]Michael Badnarik[/TD]
[TD]Bob Barr[/TD]
[TD]Chuck Baldwin[/TD]
[TD]Cynthia McKinney[/TD]
[TD]Gary Johnson[/TD]
[TD]Jill Stein[/TD]
[TD]Roseanne Barr[/TD]
[TD]Peace and Freedom[/TD]
[TD]Virgil Goode[/TD]
This list does not purport to be a complete list of all third party general election candidates throughout history. It does attempt to list those that received at least approximately 1% of the vote, those candidates who are/were prominent for other reasons, or those candidates who have run multiple times.
Also, although he did not run as a third party candidates, Harold Stassen ran in the Republican primaries numerous times.
Click here for resources about specfic political parties.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Messages In This Thread
Bernie Sanders May Run For President! He Can't Win, But Will Bring In New Issues! - by Peter Lemkin - 08-03-2014, 06:47 AM

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