05-07-2009, 09:54 AM
Snipers positioned in the vicinity of the airport
Tags: cardinal, gopistas, Honduras, michelleti, resistance
Publicado por espectrods on 7/4/09
Published by espectrods on 7/4/09 Tags: cardinal, gopistas, Honduras, michelleti, resistance
El gobierno de facto dirigido por nuestro Dinosaurio golpista ha apostado a sus franco tiradores en las cercanías de el aeropuerto internacional toncontin de Tegucigalpa , los mismos fueron vistos el día de hoy cuando los manifestantes se acercaban al mismo, estos mismos se esperan sigan en su misma posición de inmediación solo que esperamos no dirijan o mejor aun que no se les gire una orden desde los golpistas y dirijan sus rifles en dirección al pueblo, y hagan lo que adelanta lo que la iglesia (que mas que iglesia parece voceros del gobierno, hasta cadenas nacionales les brindan) católica "si vuelve mel esto sera un baño de sangre" si esto es lo que hace el gran cardenal Oscar Rodriguez , como es posible que un clérigo haga semejantes aseveraciones y aun así tenga conciencia para dirigir un a iglesa ...y habla de paz cuando queremos denunciar que se ha confirmado con un periodista de Radio Progreso fue victimado pro las fuerzas golpistas compañero tu vida no se perderá en el olvido...
The de facto government headed by our Dinosaur coup franc has bet their shooters in the vicinity of the international airport in Tegucigalpa Toncontin, they were seen today when the protesters came to it, these are expected to continue in the same position of immediacy that we hope will not only direct or better still they are not turn an order from the putschists and direct their guns toward the town, and do it advances what the church (which seems more than church government spokesmen to give them national chains) Catholic "if it will be back mel a bloodbath" if this is what makes the great Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez, as a cleric may make such statements and still have a conscience to lead a church .. . and talk about peace when we claim that is confirmed by a journalist for Radio Progreso was the victim of the coup forces your life partner will not be lost in oblivion ... Esperamos que para el dia de mañana retorne el presidente constitucional a la nación , y este sera acompañado con pro diferentes mandataros del continente y mas que ellos el pueblo de HONDURAS tambien estara presente como el mejor y puro comite de bienvenida.
We hope that by tomorrow to return the nation to constitutional president, and this will be accompanied by pro mandataros different continent and most of the people they HONDURAS also be present as the best pure and welcoming committee. Como el presidente Correa menciono Honduras es el mejor lugar para dejar la vida, esta la tierra de Moraban , la patria de Lempira , así están SIETE MILLONES Y MEDIO de HONDUREÑOS dispuestos ha dejar sus ideales plasmados en piedra con su propia vida con el propósito de expulsar de este mundo si es posible a estos dinosaurios que han querido no mas que asegurar sus intereses económicos en el país .
As the president mentioned Honduras Correa is the best place to leave life, dwelt in this land, the homeland of Lempira, and are seven and a half million has HONDURAN willing to leave their ideals embodied in stone with his own life with the purpose of out of this world if it is possible that these dinosaurs have wanted no more to secure its economic interests in the country. Los hondureños ya no estamos en la época antigua, no nos quedamos callados, encerrados y solo asintiendo nuestras cabezas...
Hondurans and not in ancient times, we were not silent, locked up and only our heads nodding ... la renitencia popular acompañada por la razón le quitara la cabeza al tirano dictador que con violencia y sin respetar el estado de derecho y las luchas históricas ha querido saciar su sed de poder tomando al presidencia del país , derrocando al único candidato que fue electo por la población .
accompanied by the popular renitencia reason you remove the head to the tyrant dictator who violently and without the rule of law and the historical struggles wanted to quench their thirst for taking the presidency of the country, overthrowing the only candidate who was elected by the population. Honduaras unido jamas sera vencido, Zelaya amigo el pueblo esta contigo, gorilas bastardos su tumba no esta largo, tiranos traidores EL PUEBLO SON LOS POBRES
Hondu united will never be defeated, Zelaya friend is with you people, gorillas bastards his grave is not long, treacherous tyrants PEOPLE ARE POOR Se que es casi imposible que la comunidad Hondureña se de cuenta de lo que realmente sucede puesto que el cerco mediatico sigue levantado...
It is almost impossible for the Honduran community to realize what actually happens as the media continues to fence up ... esto se lo dedicamos a la comunidad internacional que tienen acceso a el..
This is dedicated to the international community to have access to the .. mi pueblo de honduras podrá verlo cuando la justicia prevalezca y los golpistas desaparezcan del país ...
honduras my people can see it when justice prevails and the putschists disappear in the country ... Honduras sera libre, Michelleti sera consumido por su propia consciencia ...
Honduras will be free Michelleti will be consumed by his own conscience ...http://hondurasresistencia.blogspot.com/...as-el.html
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.