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FBI Evidence Proves Oswald's Ammunition was not Capable of Sufficient Accuracy to Kill JFK
Mitchell Severson Wrote:So you have an impaired rifle shooting the wrong bullets at the President? Why would a conspirator do such a seemingly stupid thing? Is the idea that only an incompetent loner would use that rifle? Wouldn't it have been a bit smarter to convince the patsy to buy the cheapest competent rifle then use multiples of that exact model and ammunition for the shooting?

I've had this feeling for a while (since reading Hancock's great "Someone Would Have Talked") that the other participants in Dealey Plaza may not have cared so much if they left evidence a conspiracy had been perpetrated. So these hypotheticals about what move they should have made to perfectly set-up a patsy to look like an a lone assassin are probably of little value.

Excellent questions, and ones that I have spent many a night lying awake pondering. You may be correct in thinking the original plan was to have the conspiracy discovered, blame it on the Russians and Cubans, and WWIII here we come.

OTOH, if the Internet had never developed to its present state, would I have been able to gather so much information on this rifle and then share it with you and so many other people? I think not. And, regardless of what evidence I present, JFK is still dead, the conspirators still got away with murder and treason, and no new investigation is forthcoming.

I often look at the full page Klein's ad LHO supposedly ordered his $12.98 Carcano from ($19.95 with scope) and see a lovely .303 Enfield sporter for $19.88 (great rifle, owned one myself), a Model 1917 (P17) 30-06 for $29.88, a US Springfield M1903 30-06 for $36.38 and an M1 Garand 30-06 for $89.95 and I wonder, was the Carcano chosen simply because it had a scope and was the most affordable, to the cash strapped LHO, at $19.95? Was it merely fluke that the conspirators bought a rifle with such a complex and bizarre history and such a host of deficiencies?
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964

Messages In This Thread
FBI Evidence Proves Oswald's Ammunition was not Capable of Sufficient Accuracy to Kill JFK - by Bob Prudhomme - 29-03-2014, 02:29 PM

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